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|1907. |

|Smuts M. Court Culture and the Origins of a Royalist Tradition in |

|Early Stuart England. Philadelphia, 1987. |

|Sommerville J. James I and the Divine Right of Kings: English politics|

|and Continental Theory // The Mental World of the Jacodean Court / Ed.|

|by L. Peck. Cambridge, 1991. P.55-71. |

|Sommerville J. P. Politics and Ideology in England, 1603-1640. L., |

|1986. |

|Starkey D. Conclusion: After the «Revolution» // Revolution |

|Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and |

|Administration / Ed. by C. Coleman and D. Starkey, Oxford, 1986, |

|P.199-208. |

|Starkey D. Court and Government // Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in|

|the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. by C. Coleman|

|and D. Starkey, Oxford, 1986, P.29-58. |

|Starkey D. Court, Council, and Nobility in Tudor England Princes, |

|Patronage and the Nobility in Tudor England// The Court at the |

|Beginning of the Modern Age, c.1450-1650/ Ed. by R.G. Asch and |

|A.M. Birke. Oxford, 1991, P.175-204. |

|Starkey D. Intimacy and innovation: the rise of the Privy Chamber, |

|1485-1547 // The English Court: from the Wars of the Roses to the |

|Civil War /Ed. by D. Starkey. L., 1987, P. 71-118. |

|Starkey D. Introduction: Court History in Perspective // The English |

|Court: from the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War / Ed. by D. |

|Starkey. L., 1987, P.1-24. |

|Starkey D. From Feud to Faction // History Today. 1982. Vol. 32. |

|P.16-22. |

|Starkey D. Tudor Government: The Facts? // The Historical Journal. |

|1988. Vol.31. № 4. P.921-923. |

|Starkey D. Which Age of Reform? // Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in|

|the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. by C. Coleman|

|and D. Starkey Oxford, 1986, P.13-28. |

|Stone L. The Crisis of the Aristocracy. 1558-1641. Oxford, 1967. |

|Stone L. An Open Elite? England, 1540-1880. Oxford, 1984. |

|The Stuarts Court and Europe. Essays in Politics and Political Culture|

|/ Ed. by M. Smuts, Cambridge, 1996. |

|Swart K.R. The Sale of Offices in the Seventeenth Century. The Hague, |

|1949. |

|Thomas D. Financial and Administrative Developments// Before the |

|English Civil War / Ed. by H. Tomlinson L., 1983.P.103-122. |

|Thomson A. John Holles // Journal of the Modern History. 1936. Vol.8. |

|N.3. P.145-172. |

|Tout T.F. The Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval |

|England. Manchester, V. 1-2. 1920 |

|Trevor-Roper H. R. The Gentry? 1540-1640 // Economic History Review. |

|Supplements. Vol.1. 1953 |

|Trevor-Roper H.R. Medicine at the Early Stuart Court // Trevor-Roper |

|H. From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution. Chicago, 1992. P. |

|27-46. |

|Wayner A. and Squibb G.R.D Precedence and Courtesy Titles // The Law |

|Quartely Review, Vol.89. N.355. P.352-363. |

|Williams N. All the Queen’s Men. L., 1974. |

|Willson D.H. The Earl of Salsbury and the "Court" Party in Parliament,|

|1604-1610// The American Historical Review. 1931. Vol.36. N.2. |

|P.274-294. |

|Willson D. H. James VI and James I. L., 1956. |

|Willson D. H. King James I and Anglo-Scottish Unity // Conflict in |

|Stuart England / Ed. by W.A Aiken, B.L Henning, L., 1960. |

|Woodworth A. Purveyance for the Royal Household in the Rein of Queen |

|Elizabeth // Transaction of the American Philosophical Society. n.s. |

|Vol.35. Part. I. 1945. |

|Wormald J. James VI and James I: Two kings or one? // History. 1983. |

|Vol.68. P. 187-209. |

|Young M.B. Illusions of Grandeur and Reform at the Jacobean Court: |

|Cranfield and the Ordnance // Historical Journal, Vol. 22. 1979. |

|Zagorin P. Court and Country. L., 1973. |

|Zaller R. The Parliament of 1621. Berkeley, 1971. |


[1]напр., Gardiner S. History of England from the Accession of James I to

the Outbreak of the Civil War, 1603-1642. 10 vols., L.-N. Y., 1901-1907.

[2] Chambers E. K. The Court // Shakespeare’s England: An Account of the

Life and Manners of his Age. Oxford, 1962, V. 1., P. 79-111.

[3] Tout T. F. The Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval

England. Manchester, 1920. V. 1. P.18.

[4] Newton A. P. Reforms in the Royal Household // Tudor Studies / Ed. by

R.W. Seton-Watson. N.Y., 1969 (1-е издание 1924 г.). P.232.

[5] Dietz F. C. The Receipts and Issues of the Exchequer during the Reigns

of James I and Charles I.// Smith College Studies in History. 1928. Vol.13.

N. 4. P.158-171.; Он же: English Public Finance 1558-1641. L., 1964 (1-е

изд. –1932.). P.158-171.

[6]Chrimes S. B. An Introduction to the Administrative History of Medieval

England. Oxford, 1952. P.157-158.

[7] Richardson W. C. Tudor Chamber Administration, 1485-1547. N.Y., 1952.

[8]см. работы Д. Элтона: Elton G.R. The Tudor Revolution in Government.

Cambridge, 1953.; England under Tudors. L., 1958.; Reform and Renewal:

Thomas Cromvell and Common Wealth. Cambridge, 1973. Reform and Reformation

in England, 1509-1558. L., 1977.; Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and

Government. 2 vols.; «Tudor government». The Points of Contract III: The

Court // Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, L., 1976. 5th ser.

V.26. P.211-228.

[9]Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and

Administration. / Ed. by C. Coleman and D. Starkey. Oxford, 1986.; The

English Court: from the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War / Ed. by

D. Starkey. L., 1987.

[10] Elton G. R. Reform and Reformation in England, 1509-1558. L., 1977. P.

219-220. Starkey D. From Feud to Faction // History Today. 1982. V. 32.

P.16-22.; Он же: Tudor Government: The Facts? // The Historical Journal.

1988. V.31. N.4. P. 921-923.

[11] Starkey D. Court and Government // Revolution Reassessed... P.29-58.;

он же: Which Age of Reform?// Revolution Reassessed... P.13-28.

[12] Zagorin P. The Court and the Country .L.,1969. P.41.

[13] Zagorin P. The Court...; Smith A.H. County and Court. L., 1974.; Jones

J.R. Country and Court. L., 1978.; из современных исследований см.: Peck L.

L. Court Patronage and Corruption in Early Stuart England. Boston, 1990.;

Smuts M. Court Culture and the Origins of a Royalist Tradition in Early

Stuart England. Philadelphia, 1987.; The Stuarts Court and Europe. Essays

in Politics and Political Culture/ Ed. by M. Smuts. Cambridge, 1996.

[14] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity: Service,

Politics and Finance in England ,1360-1461. New Haven, 1986.

[15] Loades D. The Tudor Court. New Jersey, 1986.

[16] Prestwich M. Cranfield: Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts.

Oxford, 1966.; Peck L.L. Northampton: Patronage and Policy at the Court of

James I. L., 1982.; Schreiber R.E. The First Carlisle: Sir James Hay, First

Earl of Carlisle as Courtier, Diplomat and Enterpreneur, 1580-1636 //

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1984. Philadelphia.

V.74. Part 7.

[17] Aylmer G. The King’s Servants. The Civil Servants of the Charles I.

1625-1642. L., 1974.

[18] Aylmer G. R. Office-Holding as Factor in English History// History.

1959. V.44. P.228-240.; он же: Office-Holding, Wealth and Social Stracture

in England, c. 1580-c.1720 // Domanda e consumi. Florence, 1978. P. 247-

259.; а также: From Office-Holding to the Civil Service // Transactions of

Royal Historical Society. 5th ser. 1980. V.37. P. 91-108.

[19]В данном контексте выдержан сборник Princes, Patronage and the

Nobility: The Court at the Beginning of the Modern Age, c.1450-1650/ Ed. by

R.G. Asch and A.M.Birke. Oxford, 1991. См. например: Griffits R.A. The

King’s Court during the Wars of the Rouses: Continuities in an Age of

Discontinuities // Ibid. P.41-68.

[20] Smuts M. Court Culture...; Он же: Introduction // The Stuarts Court

and Europe...; Asch R.G. Introdution: Court and Household from Fifteenth to

the Seventeenth Centuries // Princes, Patronage and the Nobility:.. P.1-

40.; Он же: .Der Hof Karls I von England: Politik, Provinz und Patronage,

1625-1640. Koln, 1994.

[21] Smuts M. Introduction// The Stuarts Court...P. 6-7.

[22]Aylmer G. E. The Last Years of Purveyance 1610-1660 // Economic History

Review. 1957. 2th ser. V.10. N.1. P.81-94.; он же: Attempts at

Administrative Reform 1625-1640 // English Historical Revue. 1957. V.72.

N.283. P.229-259.; Seddon P.R. Household Reforms in the Reign James I //

Bulletin of Institute Historical Research. 1980. V. 53. P. 44-55.; Cuddy N.

The Revival of the Entourage: the Bedchamber of James I, 1603 -1625 // The

English Court...P.173-225.; Он же: Anglo-Scottish Union and the Court of

James I, 1603-1625// Transaction of the Royal Historical Society. 1989. 5th

ser. V.39. P.107-124.

[23]Европейское дворянство XVI-XVII вв.: границы сословия / Под ред. В.А.

Ведюшкина. М., 1997.; Королевский двор в исторической перспективе //

Средние века. N.60. С.383-419.

[24]Smuts M. Court Culture... P. 4.

[25] Aylmer G. E. The King's Servants... P. 239-253.; Stone L. The Crisis

of the Aristocracy, 1558-1641. Oxford, 1967. P. 62-68,191-207.

[26] Stuart Royal Proclamations / Ed. by J.F. Larkin and P.L. Hughes.

Oxford, 1973. Vol. I. P. 21-22, 45, 408, 403-404.

[27]Tout T. F. The Chapters...Vol.1. P. 11-13.

[28] Constitutio Domus Regis // English Historical Documents(далее —

E.H.D.). Vol.2. 1042-1189 / Ed. by D.C. Douglas, G.W. Greenway. P. 454-

460.; Tout T. F. The Chapters... Vol.1. P. 82-83.

[29] Chrimes S. B. An Introduction... P. 27.

[30] O Казначействе XII в. см.: Dialogus de Scacario // E.H.D. Vol.2. P.


[31] Mortimer R. Angevin England, 1154-1258. Cambridge,1994. P. 64.

[32] Chrimes S. B. An Introduction ... P. 66.

[33] Ibid.

[34] The Household Ordinance of 13 November 1279 //E.H.D..V.3. 1189-1327/

Ed. by H. Rothwell, L., 1975. P. 581-586.; а также: Tout T. F. The

Chapters... Vol.2. P. 158-165.

[35] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household and the King’s Affinity: Service,

Politics and Finance in England ,1360-1461. New Haven, 1986. P. 70-71.

[36] Chrimes S. B. An Introduction ... P. 186,. 198-199

[37] Ibid. P. 199.

[38] Подробнее см.: Richardson W. C. Tudor Chamber Administration, 1485-

1547. N. Y. 1952.

[39] Elton G. R. England under the Tudors. L., 1989. P. 55-56.

[40] Richardson W. C. Tudor Chamber Administration...P. VIII.

[41] Ibid. P. 82-83.

[42] Elton G. R. England under the Tudors. L., 1989. P. 57.

[43] Chrimes S. B. An Introduction ... P. 296.

[44] The Household of the Edward IV: the Black Book and the Ordinance of

the 1478 / Ed. by A. R. Myers. Manchester, 1971. P. 104-106.

[45] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 45.

[46] Starkey D. Introduction: Court History in Perspective //The English

Court... P. 4.

[47] Кузнецов К. А. Английская палата общин при Тюдорах и Стюартах. Одесса,

1915. С. 313-314.

[48] Chrimes S. B. An Introduction ... P. 4-5.

[49] Ibid. P. 18.; а также см.: White G.R. The Household of the Norman

Kings// Transaction of the Royal Historical Society. 4th ser. 1948. Vol.30.

P. 127-155.

[50] Сonstitutio Domus Regis // E.H.D. Vol.2. P. 458.

[51] Tout T. F. The Chapters ...Vol.1. P.177.

[52] Ibid. P. 319.

[53] Гнейст Р. История государственных учреждений Англии. М., 1885. С.364.

[54] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 203-204.

[55] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household...P. 72.

[56] Elton G. R. England under the Tudors... P. 180-181.

[57] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 51.

[58] Сверка персональных данных королевских слуг производилась по: Calendar

of State Papers. Domestic Series.; The Complete English Peerage/ Ed. by

F. Barlow. L., 1775.; The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland. /

Ed. by G.E. Cockein. L., 8vols., 1887-1898.; Nichols J. The Progresses ...

; Dictionary of National Biography.

[59] Loomie A.J. Toleration and Diplomacy: Earliest View of the "Spanish

Faction"// Transaction at the American Philosophical Society. 1963. Vol.53.

Part.3. P. 54-56.

[60]Calendar of State Papers. Domestic Series. Vol.9. 1611-1618(далее-

CSPDom. 1611-1618) / Ed. by M.A.E. Green, L., 1857-1859. P. 133.

[61] О чем свидетельствуют дневники церемониймейстера двора Джона Финета:

Finetti Ptiloxenis: Som Choice Observations of Sir John Finet, Knight, and

Master of the Ceremonies. L.,1656. P. 31.

[62] Cuddy N. The Reval of the Entourage: the Bedchamber of James I, 1603

-1625 // The English Court: P. 213.

[63] Proceedings in parliament 1610 / Ed. E. R Foster. 2 vols. New Haven

and L.,1966. Vol.2 P. 145.

[64] A Jacobean Journal / Ed. by G.B. Harrison Vol.1. L., 1946. P. 117,120.

[65] Finetti Philoxenis...P. 9, 26,28 и др.

[66] Loomie A.J. Introduction // Ceremonies of Charles I . The Note Books

of John Finet 1628-1641. N. Y. 1987. P. 26.

[67] напр., церемония встречи принца Генри в Уайтхолле во время его креации

принцем Уэльским. См.: The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent

Festivities of the King James the Fist / Ed.by J. Nichols. L., 1828. 4

vols. Vol.2. P. 325 (далее- Nichols J. The Progresses...).; в 1615 г.

французского посла никто не встретил в Приемной палате, т. к. Лорд-камергер

Роберт Карр, граф Сомерсет находился в заключении в Тауэре: Finetti

Philoxenis...P. 28.

[68] E.H.D. Vol.5. 1485-1558. / Ed. by C.H. Williams, L., 1971. P. 514.

[69] The Letters of John Chamberlain/ Ed. by N. E .McClure, 2 Vols.

Philadelphia, 1932. Vol.2. P. 257.

[70] The Letters of John Chamberlain...V.2. P. 618-620.; Nichols J. The

Progresses... V.3. P. 136.

[71] Finetti Philoxenis...P. 36.

[72] Пример бюджета на 1600 г. представленный в: The Tudor Constitution

Document and Commentary / Ed. by G. R. Elton, Cambridge, 1960. P. 46-47.

[73] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 75.

[74] Cuddy N. The Revival...P. 200.

[75] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance 1558-1641. L., 1964. P. 113.

[76] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 200.

[77] Dietz F. C. The Receipts and Issues of the Exchequer during the Reigns

of James I and Charles I // Smith College Studies in History. Vol.13. N. 4.

1928. Р.158-163.

[78] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 201.

[79] Транскрипция большинства фамилий, за исключением традиционно принятых,

дана по: Рыбакин А. И. Словарь английских фамилий. М., 1986.

[80] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 9, 626.

[81] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 36.

[82] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 187-191.

[83] Ibid. P. 186.

[84] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 46.

[85] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 191.

[86] The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.2. P. 535.

[87] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 79.

[88] Цит. по: Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 191.

[89] Salisbury Papers.. Vol.24. P. 63-64.

[90] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 183.

[91] Об участии в приеме послов см.: Finetti Philoxenis...P. 28,

[92]Acts of the Privy Council... V. 6. July 1621- May 1623. P. 324,454.

[93] Asch R.G. Der Hof Karls von England: Politik, Provinz, und Patronage,

1625-1640. Koln, 1994. P. 128.

[94] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 45.

[95] Ibid. P. 46.

[96] E.H.D.. Vol.5. P. 513.

[97] подобная инструкция была в 1614 г. адресована Рису Робертсу и Джефри

Кину: Nichols The Progresses...Vol.3. P.11-12.

[98] Среди этих 300 человек 17 представлены как камергеры-привратники без

указания являлись ли они штатными или внештатными слугами и какой именно

части Королевской Палаты, хотя камергеры-привратники входили в состав

различных субдепартаментов. Среди них только один был шотландцем.

Большинство англичан камергеров-привратников были выходцами из авторитетных

семейств, проживавших в прилегающих к Лондону графствах: четверо из них – в

прошлом и будущем шерифы, в том числе Самуил Сандс – сын епископа Йорка, а

один – будущий баронет: Ibid.Vol.1. P. 206- 210.

[99] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 263-264.

[100] Ibid. Vol.1. P. 118.

[101] Ibid. Vol.1. P. 112, 323.

[102] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 103

[103] Ibid. Vol.4. P. 786.

[104] Peck L.L. Court Patronage and Corruption in Early Stuart England. L.,

1990. P. 86.

[105] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P. 699-600.

[106] The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.2. P. 69.

[107] E.H.D.. Vol.5. P. 511.

[108] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 184.

[109] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P. 82.

[110]Chambers E. K. The Court // Shakespeare’s England: An Account of the

Life and Manners of his Age. Oxford, 1962. Vol.1. P. 79-111

[111] Chaucer's World/ Ed. by M.M. Grow and C.C. Olson, N. Y. 1948. P. 142-


[112] Ibid.

[113] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 46.

[114] Ibid. P. 52.

[115] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 183.

[116] Цит по: Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 111.

[117] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 205.

[118] Chaucer's World... P. 144.

[119] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2. P.496.

[120] Prestwich M Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages. New Haven. 1996.


[121] Ibid... P. 38-41.

[122] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household...P. 63.

[123] Ibid...P. 63.

[124] Paravicini W. The Court of the Dukes of Burgundy: A Model for Europe?

/ Princes, Patronage and the Nobility: The Court at the Beginning of the

Modern Age, c.1450-1650 / Ed. by R.G. Asch and A.M.Birke. Oxford, 1991, P.


[125] Elton G. R. Reform and Reformation England, 1509-1538. Cambridge,

1977. P. 382-385.

[126] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 92 -93.

[127] В 1606 г. гвардейцы сопровождали Якова I и его гостя датского короля

Христиана IV во время их торжественного въезда в Лондон. По словам

очевидцев, гвардейцы сделали "самое достойное и грандиозное зрелище (show),

настолько богаты были облачения как людей, так и лошадей": Nichols The

Progresses...Vol.2. P. 66.

[128] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P. 125-126.

[129] Ibid.

[130] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 55.

[131] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 13, 424.

[132] В 1617 г. из 25 гвардейцев, взятых Яковом I в Шотландию, 15 были

посвящены в рыцари, из них, пожалуй, только Арнольд Герберт, Сандерс Горинг

возможно имели отношение к известным фамилиям, а Ричард Грин был клерком

гвардейцев и одновременно — Гофмаршальской конторы Хаусхолда.: Nichols The

Progresses...Vol.3. P. 367.

[133]см.: Holles G. Memorials of the Holles Family, 1493-1656. L. 1937

[134] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 655.

[135] Dietz F. C. The Receipts and Issues of the Exchequer... P. 159-163.

[136] Cuddy N. The Revival... P. 181.

[137] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 9.

[138] при этом он упоминается как капитан стражи, что говорит о его

фактическом руководстве гвардейцами: Proceedings in Parliament, 1610.

Vol.1. P. 3.

[139] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 441, 494.; The Letters of John Chamberlain...

Vol.2. P. 58-59.

[140] The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.2. P. 58-59.

[141] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 44, 48, 97, 123.; Dietz F. C. The Receipts and

Issues of the Exchequer... P. 159-163.

[142] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 338.

[143] Tout T. F. The Chapters ... Vol.2. P. 135.

[144] В 1606 г. во встрече короля Дании участвовало 9 жандармов: Nichols

The Progresses...Vol.2. P. 66.

[145] Smuts M. Court Culture ... P. 136-137.

[146] Подробнее об истории Works в XVI-XVII вв. см: The History of the

King's Works Vol.3. Part I: 1485-1660. / Ed. by H. M. Colvin L., 1975.

[147] Smuts M. Court Culture ... P. 129, 137.

[148] Hall H. The Court Life under the Plantagenets. L., 1890. P.249.

[149] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 109.

[150] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P. 598.

[151] Ibid. Vol.1. P. 154-155.; The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.1.

P. 467

[152] The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.1. P. 282

[153] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2 P. 24,108, 123, 387;

[154] Constitutional Documents of the Rein of Jemes I. 1603-1625/ Ed. by.

J.P. Tanner, Cambridge, 1952. P. 138

[155] The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.2. P. 542.

[156] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 125.

[157] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 510.

[158] Stuart Royal Proclamation... Vol.1 P. 358-359.

[159] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2. P. 190-191.

[160] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 172.

[161] В 1614 г. Декан, Субдекан и хор принимали участие в приеме короля в

одной из лондонских торговых компанией, поскольку Субдекан являлся ее

членом: Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2. P. 139-153.

[162] Smuts M. Court Culture ... P. 32.

[163] Дмитриева О.В. Сотворение божества : сакрализация культа Елизаветы I

Тюдор // Средние века. вып. 58, 1995, С. 159.

[164] Trevor-Roper H. Medicine at the Early Stuart Court// Trevor-Roper H.

From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution. Chicago, 1992. P. 27-46.

[165] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2. P. 65.; Fineti Philoxenis...P. 24.

[166] Aylmer G.E. The King’s servants... P. 26-27. ; Akrigg G.P.V. Jacobean

Рageant or the Court of James I. Cambridge, 1962. P. 27.

[167] A Jacobean Journal / Ed. by G.B. Harrison, Vol. 1. L., 1946. P.48.

[168] Сuddy N. The Revival...P.174-175.

[169] Akrigg G.P.V. Jacobean Pageant...P.24

[170] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.122.

[171] Cuddy N. The Conflict Loyalties of a "Vulger Counselor": the Third

Earl of Southampton, 1597-1624 // Public Duty and Private Conscience in

Seventeenth-Century England/ Ed. by J. Morrill, Oxford, 1993. P. 121-150.

[172] Newton A. P. Reforms in the Royal Household // Tudor Studies/ Ed. by

R.W. Seton-Watson, N.Y., 1969. P.233.; Aylmer G.E. The Attempts at

Administrative Reform, 1625-1640 // English Historical Review. N.72. 1957.

P.229-259.; Loades D. The Tudor Courts... P. 78

[173] Подробнее см. работы Д. Старки: Starkey D. L. Intimacy and

Innovation: the Rice of the Privy Chamber, 1485-1558 // The English

Court... P.71-119.; и его дискуссию с Дж Элтоном о роли Ближней палаты,

Тайного совета и двора в целом в системе управления Англии начала XVI в. на

страницах The Historical Journal N.30, 31.

[174] Wright P. A Change in Direction: the Ramification of the Female

Household, 1558-1603 // The English Court... P.147-173.

[175] A Jacobean Journal... Vol. 1. P.38.

[176] Smith L. P. Life and Letters of sir Henry Wotton. Oxford. 1907.

Vol.1. P. 314-315.; Wilson D. H. James VI and James I. L., 1956. P. 172.

[177] Федосов Д.Г. Лорды и лэрды: шотландское дворянство в XVI-XVII вв.//

Европейское дворянство XVI-XVII вв.: границы сословия / Под. ред.

В.А. Ведюшкина, М., 1997. С.35-49.

[178] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.28, 39, 41, 188.

[179] The Letters of John Chamberlain... Vol.2. P.535.

[180] The Diaries of Lady Anne Clifford / Ed. by D.J.H. Clifford, Alan

Sutton Publishing. 1991. P.22.

[181] Historical Manuscripts Commission Reports. Calendar of the

Manuscripts of the... Marquis of Salisbury / Ed. by M.S. Guiseppi, L.,

Vol.24. P.63-64. (далее—Salisbury Papers...).

[182] Lloyd D. State-Worthies or, the State-Men and Favourites of England

since the Reformation. L., 1670. P.740-741, 792-794.

[183] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P.36-37.

[184]Сobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials / Ed. by T.B.Howell,

Vol.2. L., 1809. P.743-766.

[185] Acts of the Privy Council of England. Vol.6. July 1621- May 1623. L.,

1932. P.421.

[186] Jacobean Journal Vol.1. P. 70

[187] Aylmer G. R. The Straggle for the Constitution. L., 1971. P.17, 26. ;

Willson D.H. James VI and James I... P.175.; Willson D. H. King James I and

Anglo-Scottish Unity // Conflict in Stuart England / Ed. by W.A. Aiken,

B.L. Henning, L., 1960. P.41-55; Smith A. The Emergence of a Nation State.

The Commonwealth of England. 1529-1660. L., 1992. P.157.; Akrigg G.P.V.

Jacobean Pageant... P. 54.

[188] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P.36-37.

[189] Ibid.

[190] Ibid. P.47-48.

[191] Ibid.

[192] Сuddy N. The Revival...P.173-174.

[193] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P.47-48.

[194] Ibid. Vol.1. P.247.

[195] Stone L. The Crisis ... P. 470-476, 774-776.

[196] Proceedings in Parliament 1610 ... Vol.2. P.96.

[197] Letters of James I / Ed. by G.P.V. Akrigg, Berkely, 1984. P. 337-340.

[198] Stone L. The Crisis ... P. 217.

[199] Nichols The Progresses...Vol. 3. P.590.

[200] Loades D. M. Politics and the Nation 1450-1660. Bringhton, 1974.


[201] Asch R.G.Der Hof Karls I von England: Politik, Provinz und

Patronage, 1625-1640. Koln, 1994. P.134.

[202] Ibid. P.134.

[203] напр., при разрешении споров между послами: Finetti Philoxenis...P.20-


[204] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. 344-345., Vol.2.155-156.

[205] Akrigg G. P. Jacobean Pageant... P. 37.

[206] Подробнее см.: Peck L. L. The Patronage ...P.41-43.

[207] The Journal of Sir Roger Wilbraham, Solicitor-General in Ireland and

Master of Reqests for the Years 1593-1616.// Camden Society Miscellany.

Vol.10. L., 1902. P.57.

[208] Сuddy N. The Revival... P. 218.

[209] CSPDom. 1611-18. P.199.

[210] 1603 г.—2.000 ф., 1604 г. – 6.200 ф. В среднем расходы составляли от

3.000 до 7.000 ф. в г. Подробнее см.: Dietz F.C. The Receipts and Issues...


[211] CSPDom. 1611-18, P.251

[212] Nichols The Progresses...Vol. 3. P.590.

[213] о карьере Хэя см.: Shreiber R. E. The First Carlisle: Sir James Hay,

First Earl of Carlisle as Courtier, Diplomat and Entrepreneur, 1580-1636

// Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Vol.74. Part. 7,

Philadelphia, 1984.

[214] Salisbury Papers...Vol.!7. P.220.

[215] Proceedings in Parliament 1610... Vol.1. P. 50, Vol.2. P.23,61-62.

[216] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 23.

[217] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 295.

[218] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 344-346.

[219] Сuddy N. The Revival... P. 265

[220]Thomson A. John Holles // Journal of the Modern History. 1936. Vol.8.

N.3. P.153.

[221] CSPDom. 1611-18, P.238.

[222] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance... P.103.

[223] Ibid. P.104-105.

[224] цит. по Willson D.H. The Earl of Salsbury and the "Court" Party in

Parliament, 1604-1610// The American Historical Review. Vol.36. N.2. 1931.

P. 280. а также: The Letters of John Chamberlain...Vol.1. P.362

[225] Willson D.H. The Earl of Salsbury... P.294.

[226] Кузнецов К.А. Английская палата общин... С.170-171.

[227] цит. по: Thomson A. John Holles.... P.152.

[228] Cuddy N. Anglo-Scottish Union and Court of James I, 1603-1625//

Transaction of the Royal Historical Society, 5th. Ser., Vol.39. 1989.


[229] Butler P.M. The Invention of Britain and the Early Stuart Masque //

The Stuarts Courts and Europe... P.65-85.

[230] Akrigg G. P. Jacobean Pageant...P.49-54.; CSPDom. 1603-10. P.165,188.

[231] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P.194.

[232] Stuart Royal Proclamation... Vol.1 P.38-40.

[233] A Jacobean Journal... Vol.1.(15 октября 1605г.)

[234] Birch T. The Court and Times of James the First. /Ed. R.F. Williams,

2 vols. L., 1849. Vol.1. P.81-83.;

[235] Letters and Life of Francis Bacon / Ed. by J. Spedding .7 vols. L.,

1861-1874. Vol.3. P. 311.

[236] Memorials of the Holles Family, 1493-1656. L. 1937. P.250.

[237] Thomson A. John Holles...P.153.

[238] Ibid. P.171-172.

[239] CSPDom. 1611-18, P.244.; Letters of James I...P.339-340.

[240] Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I / Ed. by J.R Tanner.

Cambridge, 1952. P. 356.

[241] Peck L.L. Northampton: Patronage and Policy at the Court of James I.

L., 1982.P.31-32.

[242] Cuddy N. Anglo-Scottish Union...Р.116.

[243] Weldon A. The Court and Character of King James. L., 1650. Vol. I.


[244] Peck L.L. Northampton... P.30

[245] CSPDom. 1611-18, P.127,135.; The Letters of John Chamberlain...P.346,

357-361.; подробнее королевской семье и ее отношении с фаворитами см.:

Bergeron D. M. Royal Family, Royal Lovers, King James of England and

Scotland. Columbia and L., 1989.

[246] Gebauer A. Von Macht und M(zeratentum. Leben und Werk William

Herberts, des dritten earls von Pembroke. Heildergerg. 1985. P.90.

[247] CSPDom. 1611-18. P.220,226

[248] Д. Финет, один из церемониймейстеров двора в конце 1613 г. пишет о

нем в своих дневниках как о "most favored Servant": Finetti Philoxenis...


[249] (F. Grevill) The Five years of King James // Harlean Miscellany Vol.

8. P. 389.

[250] Cuddy N. Anglo-Scottish Union...Р.119-121.

[251] Dietz F.C. English Public Finance... Р.399-407.

[252] Memorials of the Holles Family... P.250.

[253] Birch T. Life of Henry, Prince of Wales. L.,1760. P.427-456

[254] Seddon P.R. Household Reforms in the Reign James I // Bulletin of

Institute Historical Research, Vol. 53, 1980, P. 49.

[255] Seddon P.R. Household Reforms... P. 49.; Birch T. Life of


[256] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance ... P. 409.

[257] Подробнее см: The History of the King's Works Vol. 3. Part I... P.

117-119.; Seddon P.R. Household Reforms... P. 52-55.

[258] см.: Aylmer G. E. Attempts at Administrative Reform... P. .229-259.

[259] A Jacobean Journal ... P. 43-44.

[260] Ibid. P. 43-44.

[261] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance ...P. 399.

[262] Ibid. P. 108.

[263] Ibid. P.103.

[264] Ibid. P. 408.

[265] Ibid. P. 405.

[266] Schreiber R.E. The First Carlisle: Sir James Hay, First Earl of

Carlisle as Courtier, Diplomat and Enterpreneur, 1580-1636// Transactions

of the American Philosophical Society. Vol.74, Part 7, Philadelphia, 1984.

P. 147-150.

[267] Journal of the House of Lords. 1624 Vol.3. P. 377.

[268] Prestwich M. Cranfield: Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts.

Oxford, 1966.P. 440-446, 471-474, 485-488, 497-507.

[269] Seddon P.R. Household Reforms... P. 50-52.

[270] CSPDom. 1625-1649. P.13.

[271] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 269.

[272] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 421.

[273] Nichols The Progresses...Vol. 1. P.158.

[274] Fineti Philoxenis...P.49.

[275] цит по: Loomie A. J. Introduction // The Ceremonies of Charles I. The

Note Books of John Finet, 1628-1641/ Ed. by A. J. Loomie N. Y., 1987. P.


[276] Ibid.

[277] Ibid.

[278] Nichols The Progresses...Vol. 2. P.67.

[279] Финет многократно отмечает, что многие лорды и слуги добровольно

участвовали во встрече определенных послов.

[280] Например, появление короля в парламенте: Proceedings in Parliament

1610... Vol.1, P.97-98.

[281] Finetti Philoxenis...P.56-57.

[282] Ibid. P. 26, 59, 91.

[283] Ibid. P.37.

[284] Ibid. P.9, 20-23,115

[285] Обер-церемониймейстер Л. Льюкнер был отстранен от выполнения своих

обязанностей, когда стало очевидно, что он отдает явное предпочтение

испанскому послу. Finetti Philoxenis...P. 28, 118, 138.

[286] Сonstitutio Domus Regis // E.H.D. V.2. P. 454-460.

[287] The Household Ordinance of 13 November 1279 // E.H.D. V.3. P.581-586.

[288] Tout T. F. The Chapters ...Vol.2. P. 335-336.

[289] Tout T. F. The Chapters ... Vol.2. P. 49-51.

[290] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 43.

[291] Ibid P. 44.

[292] цит. по Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 220.

[293] Ibid... P. 219.

[294] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P. 472.

[295] Chrimes C. B. An Introduction ... P. 6.

[296] Гнейст Р. История государственных ... С. 237.

[297] Сonstitutio Domus Regis // E.H.D. V.2...P. 454-460.

[298] Chrimes C. B. An Introduction ... P. 23.

[299] Tout T.F. The Chapters ... Vol.1. P.205.

[300] The Household Ordinance of 13 November 1279 // E.H.D. V.3. P.581-586.

[301] Tout T.F. The Chapters ... Vol. 2. P. 40.

[302]The Household Ordinance of 13 November 1279 // E.H.D. V.3. P.584.

[303] Jones W.R. The Court of the Verge: the Jurisdiction of the Steward

And Marshal of the Household in Later Medieval England// Journal of the

British Studies. Vol.10, N.1, 1970, P. 1-29.

[304] Tout T.F. The Chapters ...Vol. 2. P. 25.

[305] Ibid. Vol. 2. P. 34.

[306] Ibid. Vol.1 P.243-245.

[307]Jones W.R. The Court of the Verge... P.7-8,21.

[308] Elton G. R. Reform and Reformation in England, 1509-1558. L., 1977.

P. 219 - 220.

[309] напр., заседание Совета 23 февраля 1554 г. // The Tudor

Constitutional Document and Commentary/ Ed. by G. R. Elton, Cambridge,

1960. P. 98.

[310] Act 5 Eliz. C. XXI s.8 // Select Statutes and Other Constitutional

Document Illustrative of the Reigns of the Elizabeth and Jemes I/ Ed. by

G.W. Prothero, Oxford, 1898. P. 31.

[311] 5. Eliz. C.I. s.14. // Select Statutes... P. 41.

[312] Bill for the Household (33. Henry VIII C. XII.) // Statuts at Large.

L.,1681, P.543 - 547.

[313] Loades D. The Tudor Court... P. 41.; Tout T. F. The Chapters ...

Vol. 2. P. 33

[314] Bill for the Household.

[315] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 91.

[316] Knafla L. Law and Politics in Jacobean England. Cambridge, 1977, P.


[317] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.42.

[318] Ibid. P. 91.

[319] Nichols The Progresses... P.293.

[320] Tout T.F. The Chapters ... Vol. 2. P. 33.

[321] Stuart Royal Proclamations... Vol.1. P. 21-22, 44-45.

[322] Ibid. P. 434-435.

[323] CSPDom. 1610-1618, P.556.

[324] См. Например, об ордонансах 1318г. в Given-Wilson. Ch. The Royal

Household...P.10-12; о Черной Книге Эдуарда IV в: The Household of the

Edward IV: the Black Book and the Ordinance of the 1478 / Ed. by A. R.

Myers. Manchester, 1971. P.22. (далее—The Black Book).

[325] Newton A. List of the Records of the Greencloth Extant in 1610//

English Historical Review. Vol. 34, 1919, P. 238-240.

[326] Akrigg G.P.V. Jacobean pageant...P.26.; Cuddy N. The Revival....


[327] CSPDom. 1610-1618. P.510,511.

[328] Ordinances for the Governing and Ordering of the King’s Household //

Nichols J. The Progresses ...P. 450.(в дальнейшем – OHJ)

[329] OHJ. P. 450.

[330] OHJ. P. 450 – 451.

[331] OHJ. P. 450 - 451.

[332] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.613.

[333] The Black Book.... P.142-161.

[334] Ibid. P.157-158.

[335] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.43.

[336] Bill for the Household.

[337] OHJ. P. 450.

[338] OHJ. P. 451.

[339] о следовании на заседаниях Совета // The Tudor Constitutional

Document... P. 121.

[340] Tout T. F. The Chapters ... Vol. 2. P. 34-35.

[341] Ibid... Vol. 2. P. 253.

[342] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 205.

[343] Tout T. F. The Chapters ...Vol.1. P.247.

[344] Ibid.

[345] Given-Wilson. Ch. The Royal Household.. P.70.

[346] OHJ. P. 451.

[347] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.221.

[348] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.3. P.132

[349] The Letters of John Chamberlain... P.125.; CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 510.

[350] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 505.

[351] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.230.; Finetti Philoxenis...


[352] Tout T.F. The Chapters... Vol 2. P. 39.

[353] Ibid. Vol.2. P. 254.

[354] The Black Book.... P.150-152.

[355] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 60.

[356] OHJ. P. 450-451.

[357] См. статья расходов The Cofferer of the Household в: Dietz F.C. The

Receipts and Issue...P.158-163.

[358] В 1604 г. эта сумма составила 7.000 ф. CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.78.

[359] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 31,154.

[360] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р

[361] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.109,166,255.

[362] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P. 32.

[363] Tout T.F. The Chapters ... Vol.2. P.

[364] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.60.

[365] Ibid. P.61.

[366] OHJ. P. 451.

[367] OHJ. P. 452.

[368] OHJ. P. 454.

[369] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.72.

[370] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.72,76.

[371] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.3. P.299.

[372] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.3. P.338-339.

[373] CSPDom. 1633-1634. P. 240,244.; CSPDom. 1637-1638. P.233,598.

[374] цит. по Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.281-282.

[375] OHJ. P. 453.

[376] OHJ. P. 452.

[377] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 60- 61.

[378] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.61; Aylmer G. E The King’s servants...


[379] OHJ. P. 453.

[380] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.80.

[381] цит. по Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.62.

[382] Newton A.P. Reforms in the Royal Household... P.231-256.

[383] цит по Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.61.

[384] OHJ. P. 451.

[385] Ibid.

[386] Ibid.

[387] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P.159, 281.

[388] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.227.

[389] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.472.

[390] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household...P.49.

[391] Statute 32 Henry 8 c.XX. s.VII // Select Statutes and other

Constitutional Documents Illustrative of the Reigns of the Elizabeth and

James I / Ed. by G.W. Prothero, 3rd ed. Oxford, 1906.

[392] Aylmer G. E. The Last Year of Purveyance... P. 83.

[393] John Savil. King James, his Enterteinment at the Theobalds // Nichols

J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.138.

[394] Stuart Royal Proclamations... Vol.1. P.297.

[395] Ibid. Vol. 1. P.20-21

[396] Ibid.

[397] Ibid. P.86-87, 277-299, 363.

[398] Ibid. P.416-422.

[399] Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I, 1603-1625 / Ed. by

J. P. Tanner, Cambridge, 1952. P. 338.; The Journal of Sir Roger


[400] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household...P.32.

[401] EHD. Vol.5. P.513.

[402] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.3. P.11.

[403] Hild J. Poor-Relief in the Royal Households of the Thirteenth Century

England // Speculum, Vol.1. 1929. P.150.

[404] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household...P.69.

[405] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.520.

[406] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 43-44.

[407] В 1617 г. они составили 73 ф. см. в: Dietz F.G. English Public


[408] Stuart Royal Proclamations... Vol. 1. P.435.

[409] Ibid. P.152, 176.

[410] В средние века повара имели достаточно высокое положение по сравнению

с другими хозяйственными слугами, нередко выступали как свидетели баронских

хартий: Mortimer R. Angevin England... P. 9-10.

[411] Hall H. Court life under the Plantagenets. N. Y., 1970. P. 246.

[412] В 1617 г. -- 21.561 ф. см.: Dietz F.G. English Public

Finance...P.415- 416.

[413] Newton A .P. Reforms in the Royal Household... P.254-255.

[414] В 1617 г. на его нужды выдано 200 ф. см. в: Dietz F.G. English

Public Finance...P.415.

[415] OHJ. P.

[416] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P.47.

[417] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P.244, 247

[418] их совместные расходы в 1617 г. составили 6.859 ф. см. в: Dietz F.G.

English Public Finance...P.415

[419] один из самых расходных субдепартаментов – 8.899 ф. в 1617 г. см. в:

Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P.415

[420] расходы в 1617 г. составили 2.910 ф. см. в: Dietz F.G. English Public


[421] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P. 416

[422] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.385.

[423] Stuart Royal Proclamations... Vol. 1. P.434.

[424] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P. 415.

[425] Goodmen. G. The Court of King James the First / Ed. by Brewer, 2

vols. L., 1839. Vol.1. P. 320-321.

[426] В среднем при Елизавете расходы Королевской Палаты составляли от

12.000 до 16.000 ф. в год, а Хаусхолда - ок. 60.000 ф. В первые годы

правления Якова I расходы составляли ок. 25.000 и от 68.000 до 73.000 ф. в

год, соответственно. В целом, государственные расходы так или иначе

связанные с содержанием двора составляли около 1/3 всех расходов короны.

Подробнее см.: Dietz F.C. The Receipts and Issues... P.158-163.; Dietz F.C.

English Public Finance.... P. 102-110, 399-424.

[427] Seddon P.R. Household Reforms in the Reign James I // Bulletin of

Institute Historical Research, Vol. 53, 1980, P. 45.

[428] Salisbury Papers... Vol.17. P.463.

[429] Letters and Life of Francis Bacon / Ed. by J. Spedding. 7 vols. L.,

1861-1874. Vol.4. P.275(далее-- Spedding...); Seddon P.R. Household

Reforms... P.46.

[430] Aylmer G.E. Attempts at Administrative Reform...P. P.229-259.

[431] A Jacobean Journal... Vol.1. P.82.

[432] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P.109-110.

[433] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P.110.

[434] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P.97.

[435] Spedding .....Vol.4. P.358-362.; Prestwich M. Cranfield...P.111.

[436] The Letters of J. Chamberlain ... Vol.1. P.374.

[437] Ibid. Vol.1. P.490.

[438] HОJ. P.445-448.; Seddon P. R. Household Reforms, P. 44-55.

[439] Aylmer G. E. Office Holding ... P.228-240.; Он же: Office-Holding,

Wealth, and Social Structure in England, c. 1580 - c. 1720 // Domanda e

consumi. Florence, 1978. P. 247-259.

[440] подробнее о деятельности Кранфилда см.: Prestwich M. Cranfield:

Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts. Oxford, 1966.

[441] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 502.

[442] Prestwich M. Cranfield...P.276.

[443] цит. по: Prestwich M. Cranfield...P.206.

[444] Spedding ...Vol.4. P.276.

[445] Ibid.

[446] Stuart Royal Proclamations... P. 408, 434-435.

[447] Ibid. P. 435.

[448]The Letters of J. Chamberlain ... Vol.2. P.149.

[449] CSPDom. 1611-1618. P. 13, 22, 23.

[450] Цит. по: Given-Wilson. Ch. The Royal Household... P41-42.

[451] Aylmer G.E. The Last Year of Purveyance, 1610 – 1660 // Economic

History Review. 1957. 2th ser. Vol.10. N.1. P.81

[452] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household... P.42.

[453] Chambers E. K. The Court // Shakespeare’s England: An Account of the

Life and Manners of his Age. Oxford, 1962. Vol.1. P. 79-111.

[454] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.73.; Dietz F.G. English Public

Finance... P.420.

[455] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P.424.

[456] Aylmer G. E. The Last Year of Purveyance... P. 81-82.

[457] OHJ. P. 450.

[458] цит. по Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 69.

[459] Statute 2 & 3 Philip and Mary, C.6, 4 // Statutes of the Realm. Vol.

IV. Part.1. 282.

[460] OHJ.

[461] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.XI.

[462] Ibid. P. XIII.

[463] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.385.

[464] Aylmer G. E. The Last Year of Purveyance... P. 84.

[465] Peck L.L. Court Patronage... P. 134,167; Peck L.L. Northampton...


[466] Ibid.

[467] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.XIII-XIV.

[468] Ibid.Vol.1. Р.XV.

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[470] Woodworth A. Purveyance for the Royal Household in the Rein of Queen

Elizabeth // Transaction of the American society n.s. Vol.35. Part. I. P.


[471] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P.72.

[472] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.XIII.

[473] Peck L.L. NorthamptonI... P. 148.

[474] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.298,312,316, 593.

[475] Stuart Royal Proclamations... P.136-142

[476] Aylmer G. E. The Last Year of Purveyance... P. 85.

[477] Proceedings in Parliament 1610. Vol.2 ...P.278-279.

[478] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.88-89

[479]Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.XVI.

[480] Aylmer G. E. The Last Years of Purveyance... P. 87.

[481] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.231, 325-327.

[482] Dietz F.G. English Public Finance...P. 415-416.

[483] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.472.

[484] Salisbury Papers. Vol.19. P. 247.

[485] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.67.

[486] CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.127,132.

[487] Около 700 ф. в год: CSPDom. 1603-1610. P.192,488,620.

[488] Salisbury Papers Vol.19. P. 27,294,456.

[489] Finetti Philoxenis... P.17.

[490] Stuart Royal Proclamations... Vol. 1. P.195.

[491] Letters of Chamberlain... P.522.

[492] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.20. P.334

[493] Finetti Philoxenis... P.46.

[494] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.162.

[495] Cuddy N. The Conflicting Loyalties of a "Vulger Counselor": The Third

Earl of Southampton, 1597-1624 // Public Duty and Private Conscience in

Seventeenth-Century England. Essays presented to G.E Aylmer / Ed. by J.

Morrill. Oxford, 1993. P. 128.

[496] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.318.

[497] Salisbury Papers...Vol.24. P.67.

[498] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.203-204.; Birch Life of the

Prince Henry...P.32.

[499] подробнее об этом см.: Федоров С.Е. Альтернативный двор в

стюартовской Англии: принц Уэльский и его окружение // Проблемы социально-

политической истории и культуры средних веков и раннего нового времени.

Спб., 1996. С.124-130.

[500] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. P.460-463.

[501] Aylmer G. E. The King’s Servants... P.27.

[502] Salisbury Papers...Vol. 17. P.463.

[503] Hurstfield J. Political Corruption in Modern England: The Historian's

Problems// History. Vol. 52. 1967. P.29.

[504] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants...; Braddok R. The Rewards of Office

Holding in Tudor England. // Journal of Modern History, Vol. 14, 1975 P. 29-


[505] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.31-32.

[506] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.160.

[507] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.31.

[508] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.160

[509] Aylmer G. R. Office-Holding as Factor... P.232.

[510] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.32.

[511] Nichols J. The Progresses...Vol.1. Р.466-467.

[512] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.37.

[513] OHJ. P. 443.

[514] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.168.

[515] OHJ. P. 443 - 444.

[516] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.168.

[517] OHJ. P. 449.

[518] Salisbury Papers...Vol. 17. P.463.

[519] J. Spedding...Vol.6. P.275.

[520] Ibid.

[521] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.38.

[522] OHJ. P. 443.

[523] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.169.

[524] Ibid. P.170.

[525] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.34.

[526] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.170.

[527] OHJ. P. 446.

[528] OHJ. P. 446.

[529] Ibid.

[530] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.170.

[531] CSPDom... P.104.

[532] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.173.

[533] CSPDom....P.404.

[534] EHD. Vol.4. P.1116.

[535] OHJ. P. 448.

[536] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.43.

[537] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.171.

[538] Loomie A.J. Introduction // The Ceremonies of Charles I... P.24.

[539] J. Spedding...Vol.6. P.279-281.

[540] Ibid.

[541] Stone L. The Crisis of the Aristocracy... P.197-198.

[542] CSPDom, 1603-1611. P.445.

[543] CSPDom. 1603-1608. P.80.

[544] Churchill E.F. The Crown and its Servants// Law Quarterly Review.

Vol. 42. N. 165. L.,1926. P. 81-95.

[545] CSPDom. 1625-1627. (21 дек. 1627)

[546] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.173.

[547] цит. по Seddon P.R Household Reforms...P. 48.

[548] Aylmer G. R. Office-Holding as Factor... .P. 234.

[549] В среднем городки расходовали на эти выплаты около 70 ф.: Nichols The

Progresses...Vol.3. P.12-13, 21, 419-420, 431.

[550] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2. P.344, Vol.4. 853.

[551] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.2. P.93.

[552] Peck L.L. Court Patronage and Corruption in Early Stuart England. L.,

1990. P.182.,190.; Loomie A.J. Toleration and Diplomacy: Earliest View of

the "Spanish Faction"// Transaction at the American Philosophical Society.

1963. Vol.53. Part.3. P. 54-56

[553] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.173.

[554] Braddok R. The Rewards of Office Holding... P.42.

[555] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P.596-598.

[556] Nichols The Progresses...Vol.1. P.471.

[557] Peck L.L. Court Patronage... P.162.

[558] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P.204 - 210.

[559] CSPDom.1603-1610... P.445.

[560] Peck L.L. Court Patronage... P.15.

[561] Stone L. The Crisis... P.208.

[562] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household... P.56.

[563] Paravicini W. The Court of the Dukes of Burgund... P.78.

[564] Given-Wilson Ch. The Royal Household... P.57-58.

[565] Asch R.G. Der Hof Karls I von England: Politik, Provinz und

Patronage, 1625-1640. Koln, 1994. P.137.

[566] CSPDom, 1603-1608. P.205.

[567] CSPDom, 1603-1625 P.89.

[568] CSPDom.1611-1618... P.505, 510.; The Letters of J. Chamberlain ...

Vol.1. P.359, Vol.2. P.125.

[569] Trevor-Roper H. R. The Gentry? 1540-1640// Economic History Review.

Supplements. Vol.1. P. 26-30.

[570] Aylmer G. E. The King’s servants... P. 86-88.

[571] The Letters of J. Chamberlain ... Vol.1.P.584-585,595,606

[572] А Jacobean Journal... Vol.1. P.193-194.

[573] Цит. по: Thomson A. John Holles // Journal of the Modern History.

1936. Vol.8. N.3. P.155-156.

[574] The Letters of J. Chamberlain ... Vol.2. P.151.

[575] Loades D. The Tudor Court...P. 94.

[576] Sharpe K. The Earl of Arundel, his Сircle and the Оpposition to the

Duce of Buckingham, 1618-1628// Faction and Parliament: Essays on Early

Stuart History / Ed. by K. Sharpe, Oxford, 1978. P.186-187, 193.

[577] Aylmer G.E. Office Holding ... P.233.

[578] Кузнецов К.А. Английская палата общин...С.90-94,112.

[579] Aylmer G. E. Office Holding ... P.228-240.; Он же: Office-Holding,

Wealth, and Social Structure. P. 247-259.

[580] см. Segar W. Honor Military and Civil. L.,1611.; Milles T. Nobilitas

Politica.L.,1608.; лит-ра: Федоров С.Е. Пэрское право: особенности

нормативной практики в Англии раннего нового времени// Правоведение. N.2,

1996. С.124-130.

[581] Smuts M. Arts and the Material Culture of Majesty in Early Stuart

England // The Stuarts Court and Europe / Ed. by M. Smuts P.89-90.

[582] Proceedings in Parliament 1610 ... Vol.2. P.23.

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