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Иностранные языки лингвистика |
Иностранные языки лингвистикаТопик: Disregard of corporate entityТопик: Disregard of corporate entity DISREGARD OF CORPORATE ENTITY 1.PIERCING THE CORPORATE VEIL --(Suits by corporate creditors against shs)--it’s more common in contract claims than in tort cla... Топик: Directors’ rights, duties, and liabilitiesТопик: Directors’ rights, duties, and liabilities DIRECTORS’ RIGHTS, DUTIES, AND LIABILITIES a)Right to Inspect Corporate Records --if done in good faith for purposes germane to his position as d... Топик: Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der BundesratТопик: Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der Bundesrat Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der Bundesrat Die Funktionsweise des zentralen staatlichen Mechanismus wird mageblich vom fderalen Staatsaufbau der BR... Топик: Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das MitrauensvotumТопик: Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das Mitrauensvotum Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das Mitrauensvotum Die Wahl im Bundestag ist an ein kompliziertes dreigngiges Wahlverfahren gebunden: 1. Wahlga... Реферат: DISSOCIATION OF BENZENE MOLECULE IN A STRONG LAZER FIELD.Реферат: DISSOCIATION OF BENZENE MOLECULE IN A STRONG LAZER FIELD. Dissociation of Benzene Molecule in a Strong Laser Field M. E. Sukharev General Physics Institute of RAS 117942, Moscow, Russia... Реферат: Does the crime pay or not?Реферат: Does the crime pay or not? David Guchua Form 11 A January 17, 1999 Does the crime pay or not? In this essay, I would like to discuss the problems of crime and the criminal deeds. This qu... Реферат: Does the crime pay or not ? /english/Реферат: Does the crime pay or not ? /english/ David Guchua Form 11 A January 17, 1999 Does the crime pay or not? In this essay, I would like to discuss the problems of crime and the criminal dee... Топик: Doré, GustaveТопик: Dor, Gustave Dor, Gustave Dor, Gustave (1832-83). The most popular and successful French book illustrator of the mid 19th century. Dor became very widely known for his illustrations to suc... Реферат: Drinking: AlcoholismРеферат: Drinking: Alcoholism International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences (IIUEPs) Drinking: Alcoholism Done by: Alexander V Myskin Group 201 Advisor: Zorina L. B... Реферат: Drinking: AlcoholismРеферат: Drinking: Alcoholism Drinking: Alcoholism International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences (IIUEPs) Done by: Alexander V Myskin, Group 201 Moscow 2001 Getting... Топик: English - topicsТопик: English - topics English - topics Moscow The history of Moscow began in 1147, and since then Moscow has always had a leading position in the life of the whole country. It is the political,... Доклад: English as an Indo-European LanguageДоклад: English as an Indo-European Language Surgut State University Foreign Languages Department No. 2 English as an Indo-European Language. It was done by Anton Tveretin Research Adviser Ass. P... Реферат: English as an Indo-European language /english/Реферат: English as an Indo-European language /english/ Surgut State University Foreign Languages Department No. 2 English as an Indo-European Language. It was done by Anton Tveretin Research Adv... Топик: English Course Work on Newspaper ReadingТопик: English Course Work on Newspaper Reading English Course Work on Newspaper Reading The headline of the article I have read is Kleinwort Wins Rosneft Price Tender. This article is written by... Топик: English country-sideТопик: English country-side English country-side England looks like one great well-ordered park. The hedges surrounding the gardens look beautiful in spring. In summer when they are covered with... Топик: English schoolsТопик: English schools English schools English children must go to school when they are five. First they go to infant schools, where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbe... Реферат: English Nouns, GrammarРеферат: English Nouns, Grammar Table of Contents Introduction Definition Categories of Nouns Forms of Nouns (Assaying for Nouns) PLURAL COMPOUND NOUNS (problem children, special cases) COLLECTIV... Реферат: English is the national language /english/Реферат: English is the national language /english/ Preface Every language allows different kinds of variations: geographical or territorial, perhaps the most obvious, stylistic, the difference b... Топик: English traditionsТопик: English traditions English traditions If you arrive in Great Britain you'll hear the word “tradition” everywhere. Englishmen have sentimental love for things and traditions. They never thr... Топик: English writer: William ShakespeareТопик: English writer: William Shakespeare English writer: William Shakespeare I would like to tell about a writer who became a symbol of the English literature. William Shakespeare, the greatest... Топик: EntertaimentТопик: Entertaiment Entertaiment I am fond of good books and good music, and when I have some time to spare, I like to go to the theatre or a concert. There are more than a dozen very good orches... Топик: Environmental problemsТопик: Environmental problems Environmental problems The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilisation. It probably produces fewer headlines than... Топик: EntertainmentТопик: Entertainment Entertainment I am fond of good books and good music, and when I have some time to spare, I like to go to the theatre or a concert. There are more than a dozen very good orch... Топик: Environmental protectionТопик: Environmental protection Environmental Protection. Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment.... Топик: Environmental problemsТопик: Environmental problems Environmental problems The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than... Доклад: Eratosthenes of CyreneДоклад: Eratosthenes of Cyrene Eratosthenes of Cyrene Born: 276 BC in Cyrene, North Africa (now Shahhat, Libya) Died: 194 BC in Alexandria, Egypt Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene which is now in L... Топик: Ernst ThalmannТопик: Ernst Thalmann Ernst Th lmann Ernst Thlmann wurde im Jahre 1886 in Hamburg geboren. Er war ein Reichstagsabgeordneter zwischen 1924 und 1933 und der Vorsitzende der Kommunistischen Partei... Доклад: EpithetДоклад: Epithet Epithet 1. Still watching the student nurses, Mc.Neil saw that two were deathly white , a third had gasped snd turned away; the other three were stoically watching. A. Hailey The... Топик: Estonian TownsТопик: Estonian Towns Estonian Towns Narva The city of Narva is located in Northeastern Estonia, on the border between Estonia and Russia, 210 km from Tallinn and 150 km from St. Petersburg. Ever... Реферат: Euclid of AlexandriaРеферат: Euclid of Alexandria Euclid of Alexandria Born: about 325 BC Died: about 265 BC in Alexandria, Egypt Euclid of Alexandria is the most prominent mathematician of antiquity best known for... Топик: ETS450WLL Wireless Access SystemТопик: ETS450WLL Wireless Access System ETS450WLL Wireless Access System Flexible and Highly Adaptable Macro Cellular Networking The adoption of FDMA and macro cellular mode enables the ETS450WLL... Реферат: Essay: Lev Tolstoy and EnglandРеферат: Essay: Lev Tolstoy and England Commettee of Youth Affairs Peter Pan Club Essay: Lev Tolstoy and England. Performer: Mikhail Rostovtsev Adviser: O.M.Rostovtseva Tula 2000 CONTENT Introduc... Топик: Expressionism and FauvismТопик: Expressionism and Fauvism Expressionism and Fauvism In the north of Europe, the Fauves' celebration of color was pushed to new emotional and psychological depths. Expressionism, as it was... Реферат: Essay.the Comparative Analisis of the history of The Computer Science And the Computer Engineering in the USA and Ukraine.Реферат: Essay.the Comparative Analisis of the history of The Computer Science And the Computer Engineering in the USA and Ukraine. ESSAY The Comparative Analisis Of The History Of The Computer S... Топик: Examining english business lettersТопик: Examining english business letters EXAMINING ENGLISH BUSINESS LETTERS Now let's turn to the practical point of writing business letters. They may be divided into official and semi-official... Топик: ExpressionnismТопик: Expressionnism Expressionnism Movement in fine arts that emphasized the expression of inner experience rather than solely realistic portrayal, seeking to depict not objective reality but t... Топик: Eyck, Jan vanТопик: Eyck, Jan van Eyck, Jan van Eyck, Jan van (b. before 1395, Maaseik, Bishopric of Lige, Holy Roman Empire [now in Belgium]--d. before July 9, 1441, Bruges), Flemish painter who perfected th... Топик: Eyck, Jan van: portraitsТопик: Eyck, Jan van: portraits Eyck, Jan van: portraits This title has traditionally been given to this painting because it was thought to be a form of ``wedding certificate'' for Giovanni Arnol... Топик: Eyck, Jan van: altarpiece in GhentТопик: Eyck, Jan van: altarpiece in Ghent Eyck, Jan van: altarpiece in Ghent It was not a sculptor who carried out the final conquest of reality in the North. For the artist whose revolutionary d... Топик: Eyck, Jan van: The Adoration of the LambТопик: Eyck, Jan van: The Adoration of the Lamb Eyck, Jan van: The Adoration of the Lamb A new realism Jan van Eyck (1385-1441) was a contemporary of Campin and one of the enduring influences on... Топик: Famous peopleТопик: Famous people Famous people. Andrei Sakharov, an outstanding scientist and public figure, was born on the 21st of May 1921. He graduated from Moscow University in 1942. In 1947 he defended... Сочинение: Famous People of BelarusСочинение: Famous People of Belarus Famous People of Belarus. There are many famous people in our republic. Among them you can find the names of politicians and public figures, intellectuals and... Топик: Fantin-Latour, HenriТопик: Fantin-Latour, Henri Fantin-Latour, Henri Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904). French painter and lithographer. He is best known for his luxurious flower pieces, but he also painted several g... Топик: FauvismТопик: Fauvism Fauvism C'est Donatello dans la cage aux fauves! -- Louis Vauxcelles, Salon d'Automne, 1905. C'est donc sous la conduite de Matisse, et aussi sous l'influence de Van Gogh que les f... Топик: Fauvism between 1901 and 1906Топик: Fauvism between 1901 and 1906 Fauvism between 1901 and 1906 Between 1901 and 1906, several comprehensive exhibitions were held in Paris, making the work of Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin,... Топик: Fragonard, Jean-HonoréТопик: Fragonard, Jean-Honor Fragonard, Jean-Honor Fragonard, Jean-Honor (1732-1806). French painter whose scenes of frivolity and gallantry are among the most complete embodiments of the Rococo... Топик: Friedrich, Caspar DavidТопик: Friedrich, Caspar David Friedrich, Caspar David The German romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich , b. Sept. 5, 1774, d. May 7, 1840, was one of the greatest exponents in European art of... Реферат: FoxPro /Eng./Реферат: FoxPro /Eng./ FoxPro Task for the laboratory work. The aim of this work is to show our ability to work with different Microsoft applications to produce the data exchange between them, us... Реферат: Fifty states of USAРеферат: Fifty states of USA Fifty states of USA 1.STATE CONSTITUTIONS The success of the Revolution gave Americans the opportunity to give legal form to their ideals as expressed in the Declarat... Реферат: Flora and Fauna of the USAРеферат: Flora and Fauna of the USA Flora and Fauna of the USA. To begin the conversation about animals and pland word of North America is better to start with explanation of climate conditions a... Реферат: From the land called BeringiaРеферат: From the land called Beringia FROM THE LAND CALLED BERINGIA Origins of Alaska’s Native Groups No one knows exactly when people first found the land that would be called Alaska. Some anth... Топик: FuturismТопик: Futurism Futurism Futurism, Italian Futurismo, Russian Futurism, an early 20th-century artistic movement that centred in Italy and emphasized the dynamism, speed, energy, and power of the... Топик: Gainsborough, ThomasТопик: Gainsborough, Thomas Gainsborough, Thomas Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-88). English painter of portraits, landscapes, and fancy pictures, one of the most individual geniuses in British art.... Топик: Fuseli, HenryТопик: Fuseli, Henry Fuseli, Henry Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Fssli) (1741-1825). Swiss-born painter, draughtsman, and writer on art, active mainly in England, where he was one of the outstan... Топик: Gauguin, (Eugène-Henri-) PaulТопик: Gauguin, (Eugne-Henri-) Paul Gauguin, (Eugne-Henri-) Paul Gauguin, (Eugne-Henri-) Paul (b. June 7, 1848, Paris, Fr.--d. May 8, 1903, Atuona, Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia),... Реферат: Galileo GalileiРеферат: Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Born: 15 Feb 1564 in Pisa (now in Italy) Died: 8 Jan 1642 in Arcetri (near Florence) (now in Italy) Galileo Galilei's parents were Vincenzo Galilei and Gu... Сочинение: George OrwellСочинение: George Orwell George Orwell It is the history of a revolution that went wrong — and of the excellent excuses that were forthcoming at every step for the perversion of the original doct... Реферат: George Orwell "Animal Farm"Реферат: George Orwell Animal Farm George Orwell Animal Farm It is the history of a revolution that went wrong — and of the excellent excuses that were forthcoming at every step for the perversio... Топик: Ghirlandaio, DomenicoТопик: Ghirlandaio, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1449-94). Florentine painter. He trained with Baldovinetti and possibly with Verrocchio. His style was solid, prosaic, an... Топик: Gesetzgebung in der BundesrepublikТопик: Gesetzgebung in der Bundesrepublik Gesetzgebung in der Bundesrepublik In der Bundesrepublik ist die Staatsgewalt zwischen Bund und Lndem aufgeteilt. Als oberste gesetzgebende Gewalt berat... Топик: Heian ArtТопик: Heian Art Heian Art In 794 the capital of Japan was officially transferred to Heiankyo (present-day Kyoto), where it remained until 1868. The term Heian period refers to the years between... Топик: HealthТопик: Health Health When we are ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomach ache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of th... Доклад: Henry MoreДоклад: Henry More Henry More Born: Oct 1614 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England Died: 1 Sept 1687 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England Henry More's father was Alexander More who had been mayor o... Реферат: Henry VIII examinational essay byРеферат: Henry VIII examinational essay by ENGLAND UNDER HENRY VIII EXAMINATIONAL ESSAY BY NOVIKOV SERGEI 10th B GRADE, SCHOOL NO. 1276 MOSCOW - 1999 ENGLAND UNDER HENRY THE EIGHTH. Henry VIII Tu... Доклад: Hermann MinkowskiДоклад: Hermann Minkowski Hermann Minkowski Born: 22 June 1864 in Alexotas, Russian Empire (now Kaunas, Lithuania) Died: 12 Jan 1909 in Gttingen, Germany Hermann Minkowski studied at the Universi... Реферат: Higher Education in The U.K. /english/Реферат: Higher Education in The U.K. /english/ Higher Education in The U.K. There are more than 60 universities in the U.K. The leading universities are Cambridge, Oxford and London. English uni... Реферат: Higher Education in the U.K.Реферат: Higher Education in the U.K. Higher Education in The U.K. There are more than 60 universities in the U.K. The leading universities are Cambridge, Oxford and London. English universities... Топик: Hiroshige, AndoТопик: Hiroshige, Ando Hiroshige, Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858), Japanese painter and printmaker, known especially for his landscape prints. The last great figure of the Ukiyo-e, or popular, school... Топик: HobbiesТопик: Hobbies Hobbies Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste - you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided... Реферат: History of BasketballРеферат: History of Basketball History of Basketball Introduction Basketball is an extremely popular all around the world. The object is to put a ball through a hoop, or basket, and thus score mo... Реферат: Hobby - Travekkung /english/Реферат: Hobby - Travekkung /english/ Hobby (Travelling) People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet... Топик: Hobby (Travelling)Топик: Hobby (Travelling) Hobby (Travelling) People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners... Реферат: Hobby - Travekkung.Реферат: Hobby - Travekkung. Hobby (Travelling) People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air line... Топик: Holbein, Hans the YoungerТопик: Holbein, Hans the Younger Holbein, Hans the Younger Hans Holbein the Elder (1465?-1524). Born in Augsburg, Bavaria, the elder Holbein, like his brother Sigmund, painted richly colored reli... Топик: Holidays in Great BritainТопик: Holidays in Great Britain Holidays in Great Britain There are some holidays in G.B. They are Christmas day, Boxing Day, new years day, Easter, mayday, spring bank holiday and simmer bank h... Топик: Holidays, Travel and TourismТопик: Holidays, Travel and Tourism Holidays, Travel and Tourism For most people there is no problem in deciding how they are going to spend the money they earn - it all goes on housing, food, cl... Топик: Holidays, Travel and TourismТопик: Holidays, Travel and Tourism Holidays, Travel and Tourism For most people there is no problem in deciding how they are going to spend the money they earn - it all goes on housing, food, cl... Реферат: Hollidays /english/Реферат: Hollidays /english/ Which is the best way to spend your summer holidays? Well, I guess there exists a great number of different ways of spending summer holidays... But each person has hi... Реферат: Holidays.Реферат: Holidays. Which is the best way to spend your summer holidays? Well, I guess there exists a great number of different ways of spending summer holidays... But each person has his own pref... Топик: How did I spend last summer?Топик: How did I spend last summer? How did I spend last summer? I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. S... Топик: How did I spend last summer?Топик: How did I spend last summer? How did I spend last summer? I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. S... Топик: Hopper, EdwardТопик: Hopper, Edward Hopper, Edward Hopper, Edward (1882-1967). American painter, active mainly in New York. He trained under Robert Henri, 1900-06, and between 1906 and 1910 made three trips to... Топик: How Scotland fought for its independenceТопик: How Scotland fought for its independence How Scotland fought for its independence In 1286 the king of Scotland died. About ten barons wanted to become the king of Scotland. They asked Edwa... Доклад: How Many Physical Constants are Truly FundamentalДоклад: How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental? Dr. Nikolay Kosinov Annotation To main fundamental constants scientists usually refer... Реферат: How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental?Реферат: How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental? Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy Dr. N.V. Kosinov, V. I. Garbaruk INTRODUCTION The proton was disco... Реферат: How telecommunication change the defenition of work.Реферат: How telecommunication change the defenition of work. Tomorrow how modern telecommunication change the definition of work In 1876 Alexander G. Bell created the thing that changed our worl... Реферат: How telecommunication change the defenition of work Telework /english/Реферат: How telecommunication change the defenition of work Telework /english/ Tomorrow how modern telecommunication change the definition of work In 1876 Alexander G. Bell created the thing tha... Реферат: How to negotiate effectivelyРеферат: How to negotiate effectively How to negotiate effectively 1. What is negotiation Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It can take place at any time and in any... Реферат: HOW TO NEGOTIATE EFFECTIVELU.Реферат: HOW TO NEGOTIATE EFFECTIVELU. HOW TO NEGOTIATE EFFECTIVELY 1. What is negotiation Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It can take place at any time and in an... Реферат: How to negotiate effectively /english/Реферат: How to negotiate effectively /english/ HOW TO NEGOTIATE EFFECTIVELY 1. What is negotiation Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It can take place at any time... Реферат: International Raw Materials MarketРеферат: International Raw Materials Market International Raw Materials Market by A.E Epechourin, group 1078/2 St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department of Economic aluminum is turn... Реферат: International company Middlesex.Реферат: International company Middlesex. Introduction MiddleSex Holdings is a diversified international company, operating in primary industries (steel, non-ferrous metals and energy), financial... Реферат: International company Middlesex /english/Реферат: International company Middlesex /english/ Introduction MiddleSex Holdings is a diversified international company, operating in primary industries (steel, non-ferrous metals and energy),... Топик: International Raw Materials MarketТопик: International Raw Materials Market International Raw Materials Market Introduction Raw Materials - A natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some ot... Реферат: International Raw Materials Market.Реферат: International Raw Materials Market. St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department of Economic aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufac... Реферат: International Raw Materials Market /english/Реферат: International Raw Materials Market /english/ St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department of Economic aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils ar... Реферат: International Raw Materials Market.Реферат: International Raw Materials Market. St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department of Economic aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufac... Доклад: Internet helps in development of education and democracyДоклад: Internet helps in development of education and democracy Internet helps in development of education and democracy Internet - the world largest computer network. And the main goal is to sh... Реферат: Internetional Raw Materials Market /english/Реферат: Internetional Raw Materials Market /english/ St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department of Economic aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils ar... Топик: Ireland and the ContinentТопик: Ireland and the Continent Ireland and the Continent At first glance, Ireland, as an offshore island off an offshore island on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, remote, romantic and untrodden...
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