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Иностранные языки лингвистика |
Иностранные языки лингвистикаДоклад: AlcoholismДоклад: Alcoholism Alcoholism Ina M. Kamaityt, Professor 12 December, 2001 Thousands of years ago people began to make alcohol for practical reasons. Wine making began with the early Egyptians wh... Реферат: Alcoholism: Drinking /english/Реферат: Alcoholism: Drinking /english/ International Independent University of Environmental and Political Sciences (IIUEPs) Drinking: Alcoholism Done by: Alexander V Myskin Group 201 Advisor: Z... Реферат: Alcohol and the Workplace /english/Реферат: Alcohol and the Workplace /english/ Alcohol and the Workplace Drinking among U.S. workers can threaten public safety, impair job performance, and result in costly medical, social, and ot... Топик: Allocation of powers between directors and shareholdersТопик: Allocation of powers between directors and shareholders ALLOCATION OF POWERS BETWEEN DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS 1.MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATION’S BUSINESS --corporate statutes vest the power t... Топик: Altdorfer, AlbrechtТопик: Altdorfer, Albrecht Altdorfer, Albrecht Altdorfer, Albrecht (b. c.1480, Regensburg, d. 1538, Regensburg). German painter, engraver, architect and graphic artist working in Regensburg, of w... Топик: American and British SchoolsТопик: American and British Schools American and British Schools In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in elementary school, and four or six years in sec... Доклад: American Federalism in 1990sДоклад: American Federalism in 1990s American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994, th... Реферат: American Federalism in 1990s /english/Реферат: American Federalism in 1990s /english/ American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism... Доклад: "Корни" Ирландии /english/Доклад: Корни Ирландии /english/ Irish Roots If a person is of Irish descent and wishes to trace his ancestors, it can be a lot of fun, and quite often it ends in success -- although the odds are... Реферат: American CinemaРеферат: American Cinema American Cinema Report made by Bragina Kate, Class 10-4 Minicap Educational Establishment Secondary School N0 1 with Thorough Learning of Foreign Languages Central Distri... Доклад: American Federalism in 1990s.Доклад: American Federalism in 1990s. American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994, t... Сочинение: 3 сочинения на новогоднюю тему /english/Сочинение: 3 сочинения на новогоднюю тему /english/ Holidays CHRISTMAS The word Christmas is derived from the words Christ's Mass - the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But although Chri... Топик: 2 топика по иностранному языку /english/Топик: 2 топика по иностранному языку /english/ The British Press The British press consists of several kinds of newspapers. The national papers are the ones sold all over the country, with a lar... Топик: 4 топика по иностранному языку /english/Топик: 4 топика по иностранному языку /english/ CLIMATE AND NATURE OF GREAT BRITAIN CLIMATE The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. T... Топик: 3 биографии выдающихся людей на иностранном языке /english/Топик: 3 биографии выдающихся людей на иностранном языке /english/ Interesting Personality William Blake William Blake, English poet, painter and printer, was born on November 28, 1757. You may h... Курсовая: America and Indian raceКурсовая: America and Indian race America and Indian race INTRODUCTION Traditionally, the very beginning of the United States’ history is considered from the time of European exploration and sett... Топик: 5 топиков по иностранному языку /english/Топик: 5 топиков по иностранному языку /english/ Moscow (1) Moscow is the capital of Russia. The city is located in western Russia and lies in the broad, shallow valley of the Moskva River, a tri... Топик: 6 топиков по иностранному языку /english/Топик: 6 топиков по иностранному языку /english/ Would you work if you didn’t need the money? If not, what would you do? Well, I’m not sure about this. Maybe yes, and maybe no. But, most likely,... Топик: 7 "Спортивных" топиков на иностранном языке /english/Топик: 7 Спортивных топиков на иностранном языке /english/ Sports THE OLYMPIC GAMES The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular reminders of the debt we owe to the Greeks. The original Olym... Сочинение: 10 сочинений на английском языкеСочинение: 10 сочинений на английском языке About Myself. My name is … . I’m a pupil of the 9th form of the secondary school #****. Our school gives general education. My class used to be a speci... Топик: 7 топиков по иностранному языку /english/Топик: 7 топиков по иностранному языку /english/ The Commonwealth of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-government federal state. It has six states: new south Wales, Victoria, Quee... Топик: American holidaysТопик: American holidays American holidays There are a number of holidays in the USA which are celebrated every year. Here are some of them. The 1st of January is New Year's Day. People do not go... Реферат: American Federalism in 1990s.Реферат: American Federalism in 1990s. American Federalism in 1990s. While it would be an overstatement to suggest that the average American has a clear concept of meaning of federalism in 1994,... Топик: American holidaysТопик: American holidays American holidays There are a number of holidays in the USA which are celebrated every year. Here are some of them. The 1st of January is New Year's Day. People do not go... Сочинение: 9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/Сочинение: 9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/ My first journey For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I’m not an exception. And I’m happy that I have traveled a lot and I... Сочинение: 9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/Сочинение: 9 сочинений для 9 класса /english/ My family I am Zhilin Andrey. Andrey is my name and Zhilin is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. M... Доклад: Anwendung eines neuronalen /german/Доклад: Anwendung eines neuronalen /german/ V.Barat, D.Slesarev, V.Lunin, H.-U. Seidel Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen Kurzfassung . D... Реферат: Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen /germany/Реферат: Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen /germany/ V.Barat, D.Slesarev, V.Lunin, H.-U. Seidel Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fue... Реферат: Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen.Реферат: Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen. V.Barat, D.Slesarev, V.Lunin, H.-U. Seidel Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fuer die Erk... Доклад: Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz RepraesentationenДоклад: Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen Anwendung eines neuronalen Netzwerkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen V... Реферат: "Социология" Дюркгейма /Укр./Реферат: Социология Дюркгейма /Укр./ Соціологізм як теоретико-методологічна концепція Еміля Дюркгейма Французьке суспільство останньої чверті минулого сторіччя переживає добу криз і потрясінь. До... Доклад: Aral Sea—What Was and What IsДоклад: Aral Sea—What Was and What Is Aral Sea—What Was and What Is Since the very beginning of its existence, the human being has been developing. It has never stopped, and it never will. During... Реферат: Analysis of Sufism Through Art of Sufi Poetry.Реферат: Analysis of Sufism Through Art of Sufi Poetry. Analysis of Sufism Through Art of Sufi Poetry. Tasawuf, or Sufism is the esoteric school of Islam, founded on the pursuit of spiritual trut... Топик: Aral Sea—What Was and What IsТопик: Aral Sea—What Was and What Is Aral Sea—What Was and What Is Since the very beginning of its existence, the human being has been developing. It has never stopped, and it never will. During... Реферат: "Cultural imperialism" and "cultural diplomacy" /english/ (RTF)Реферат: Cultural imperialism and cultural diplomacy /english/ (RTF) 12 Introduction Perhaps, cultural imperialism and cultural diplomacy are sufficiently young, but it concerns only word combina... Реферат: "Святая история" Ясперса /Укр./Реферат: Святая история Ясперса /Укр./ Світова історія Видатний німецький філософ-екзістенціаліст, Карл Ясперс (1883-1969) у своїй праці “Витоки історії та її мета” запропонував своєрідну концепц... Реферат: "Оранта" - камерный хор /Укр./Реферат: Оранта - камерный хор /Укр./ Камерний хор Оранта Співайте Богові нашому, співайте Співайте Цареві нашому, співайте (Пс. 46) Протягом тисячоліття в українському середовищі складалися, спр... Сочинение: 10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/Сочинение: 10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/ My last day off Yesterday it was Sunday, that’s why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my be... Сочинение: 14 сочинений /english/Сочинение: 14 сочинений /english/ 1. My last day off. Yesterday it was Sunday, that's why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holi... Реферат: 14 сочинений /english/Реферат: 14 сочинений /english/ 1. My last day off. Yesterday it was Sunday, that’s why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holida... Реферат: Banking services in Russia: theory and fact /english/Реферат: Banking services in Russia: theory and fact /english/ Banking services in Russia: theory and fact. The economic situation in Russia, due to the historic and unprecedented on-going change... Топик: BaroqueТопик: Baroque Baroque Baroque period, era in the history of the Western arts roughly coinciding with the 17th century. Its earliest manifestations, which occurred in Italy, date from the latter... Реферат: Banking services in Russia: theory and fact.Реферат: Banking services in Russia: theory and fact. Banking services in Russia: theory and fact. The economic situation in Russia, due to the historic and unprecedented on-going changes in this... Топик: Bassano (family da Ponte)Топик: Bassano (family da Ponte) Bassano (family da Ponte) Jacopo Bassano Bassano, Jacopo (Jacopo da Ponte) (b. c.1510-18, Bassano del Grappa; d. 1592, Bassano). Italian painter, the most celebra... Топик: Bellini, GiovanniТопик: Bellini, Giovanni Bellini, Giovanni Bellini, Giovanni (1430?-1516). The founder of the Venetian school of painting, Giovanni Bellini raised Venice to a center of Renaissance art that rival... Реферат: Biography of Hieronymus BoschРеферат: Biography of Hieronymus Bosch Hieronymus Bosch - Between Magic and Reality Biography of Hieronymus Bosch Hieronymus Bosch was born in 1450 in Hertogenbosch, a provincial but prosperous t... Доклад: Biosphere 2 studies reflect real world changesДоклад: Biosphere 2 studies reflect real world changes BIOSPHERE 2 STUDIES REFLECT REAL WORLD CHANGES UniSci Science News University Science 19-Apr-1999 Levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas... Доклад: Blaise PascalДоклад: Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal Born: 19 June 1623 in Clermont (now Clermont-Ferrand), Auvergne, France Died: 19 Aug 1662 in Paris, France Blaise Pascal was the third of tienne Pascal's child... Реферат: Books /english/Реферат: Books /english/ INTRODUCTION We may have the great honour to be present at the decline of printing as such. The book as the mass pastime have been ousted from our lives for several decad... Реферат: Biopolitics in Russia: History and Prospects for the FutureРеферат: Biopolitics in Russia: History and Prospects for the Future Biopolitics in Russia: History and Prospects for the Future 1. Introduction Biopolitics , a field of research employing biolog... Топик: Blake, WilliamТопик: Blake, William Blake, William Blake, William (b. Nov. 28, 1757, London--d. Aug. 12, 1827, London) English poet, painter, engraver; one of the earliest and greatest figures of Romanticism.... Топик: Books in our lifeТопик: Books in our life Books in our life “Books and friends should be few but good”, says an English proverb. “Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! They teach us and... Топик: Books and ReadingТопик: Books and Reading Books and Reading Books can fit almost every need, temper, or interest. Books can be read when you are in the mood; they don't have to be taken in periodic doses. Books a... Топик: Books in my lifeТопик: Books in my life Books in my life A book is one of the greatest wonders of world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. Together with the character... Топик: Books and ReadingТопик: Books and Reading Books and Reading Books can fit almost every need, temper, or interest. Books can be read when you are in the mood; they don't have to be taken in periodic doses. Books a... Топик: Bosch, HieronymusТопик: Bosch, Hieronymus Bosch, Hieronymus The master of the monstrous... the discoverer of the unconscious. -- Carl Gustav Jung, on Hieronymus Bosch Hieronymus, or Jerome, Bosch , b. c.1450, d.... Доклад: Boris GodunovДоклад: Boris Godunov Boris Godunov Boris Godunov (about 1552 – 1605) was the Russian tsar since 1598; came to power in the time of “oprichnina”; was the tsar Fedor Ivanovich’s wife’s brother and... Топик: Bosch, Hieronymus: The Temptation of St AnthonyТопик: Bosch, Hieronymus: The Temptation of St Anthony Bosch, Hieronymus: The Temptation of St Anthony c. 1500; Oil on panel, tryptych describing the ordeals of St Anthony; Museu Nacional de Arte... Топик: Botticelli, SandroТопик: Botticelli, Sandro Botticelli, Sandro Original name ALESSANDRO DI MARIANO FILIPEPI (b. 1445, Florence [Italy]--d. May 17, 1510, Florence), Florentine early Renaissance painter whose Birth... Топик: Boucher, FrançoisТопик: Boucher, Franois Boucher, Franois Boucher, Franois (1703-1770), French painter, noted for his pastoral and mythological scenes, whose work embodies the frivolity and sensuousness of the ro... Реферат: Car Is An Ecological Disaster /english/Реферат: Car Is An Ecological Disaster /english/ Alexander V. Myskin, gr. 301 Car Is An Ecological Disaster “According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, driving a car is the s... Доклад: Carl Louis Ferdinand von LindemannДоклад: Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann Born: 12 April 1852 in Hannover, Hanover (now Germany) Died: 6 March 1939 in Munich, Germany Ferdinand von Lindemann... Топик: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi daТопик: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1573-1610). Probably the most revolutionary artist of his time, the Italian painter Caravaggio abandoned t... Топик: CarracciТопик: Carracci Carracci Carracci. Family of Bolognese painters, the brothers Agostino (1557-1602) and Annibale (1560-1609) and their cousin Ludovico (1555-1619), who were prominent figures at th... Топик: Cassatt, MaryТопик: Cassatt, Mary Cassatt, Mary Cassatt, Mary (b. May 22, 1844, Allegheny City, Pa., U.S.--d. June 14, 1926, Chteau de Beaufresne, near Paris, Fr.), American painter and printmaker who exhibit... Топик: Characteristics of a corporationТопик: Characteristics of a corporation CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORPORATION A.PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORPORATION a)Entity Status --a corporation is a legal entity created under the authority... Топик: Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-SiméonТопик: Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simon Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simon Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simon (1699-1779). French painter, one of the greatest of the 18th century, whose genre and still life subj... Доклад: Charles Augustin de CoulombДоклад: Charles Augustin de Coulomb Charles Augustin de Coulomb Born: 14 June 1736 in Angoulme, France Died: 23 Aug 1806 in Paris, France Charles Augustin Coulomb's father was Henry Coulomb and h... Топик: Choosing a CareerТопик: Choosing a Career Choosing a Career Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their o... Топик: Choosing a CareerТопик: Choosing a Career Choosing a Career Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their o... Топик: Customs and traditionsТопик: Customs and traditions Customs and traditions I am going to tell you about English customs and traditions.First of all it concerns United Kingdom political system. In Great Britain there i... Топик: Customs and TraditionsТопик: Customs and Traditions Customs and Traditions There are many customs and traditions in England. And I would like to tell you some of them. First tradition is called Wrong side of the bed W... Сочинение: C’est le cas des mouvements scouts: quelque 300 milleСочинение: C’est le cas des mouvements scouts: quelque 300 mille C’est le cas des mouvements scouts: quelque 300 mille jeunes Franais font du scoutism. La moto est quelquefois aussi le point de d... Топик: Dürer, AlbrechtТопик: Drer, Albrecht Drer, Albrecht I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of all men. -- Drer, Four Books on Human Proportions, 1528 Drer, Albrecht (b. May 21, 14... Реферат: Customs and Traditions /english/Реферат: Customs and Traditions /english/ Customs and Traditions There are many customs and traditions in England. And I would like to tell you some of them. First tradition is called Wrong side... Топик: Das heutige BerlinТопик: Das heutige Berlin Das heutige Berlin Berlin ist die Hauptstadt und die grbte Stadt Deutschlands. Die Stadt hat etwa 3,5 Millionen Einwohner und erstreckt sich ber 889 Quadratkilometer. Si... Топик: DadaТопик: Dada Dada A western Europe artistic and literary movement (1916-23) that sought the discovery of authentic reality through the abolition of traditional culture and aesthetic forms. Pour in... Доклад: Customs and TraditionsДоклад: Customs and Traditions Customs and Traditions So many countries so many customs, an English proverb says. The combination of the words tradition custom means a usual manner of doing smth,... Топик: Daumier, HonoréТопик: Daumier, Honor Daumier, Honor Daumier, Honor (1808-79). French caricaturist, painter, and sculptor. In his lifetime he was known chiefly as a political and social satirist, but since his d... Реферат: Cтановище дітей та молоді в зарубіжних країнахРеферат: Cтановище дітей та молоді в зарубіжних країнах C тановище дітей та молоді в зарубіжних країнах Міжнародно-правовий захист прав та інтересів дітей та молоді. Вперше міжнародну стурбованіс... Топик: David, Jacques-LouisТопик: David, Jacques-Louis David, Jacques-Louis David, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825). French painter, one of the central figures of Neoclassicism. He had his first training with Boucher, a distant r... Доклад: David HilbertДоклад: David Hilbert David Hilbert Born: 23 Jan 1862 in Knigsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) Died: 14 Feb 1943 in Gttingen, Germany David Hilbert attended the gymnasium in his home town... Топик: Degas, (Hilaire-Germain-) EdgarТопик: Degas, (Hilaire-Germain-) Edgar Degas, (Hilaire-Germain-) Edgar Degas, (Hilaire-Germain-) Edgar (b. July 19, 1834, Paris, Fr.--d. Sept. 27, 1917, Paris) French artist, acknowledged as the... Топик: Decline of ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783)Топик: Decline of ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783) Decline of ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783) Report Lipich Vitalii Form 11-V School 1 Lutsk 2002 After defeat of Mazepa, ts... Топик: Delacroix, EugèneТопик: Delacroix, Eugne Delacroix, Eugne Delacroix, Eugne, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest Fren... Доклад: Demographic Changes - OverpopulationДоклад: Demographic Changes - Overpopulation Demographic Changes - Overpopulation The surge in population is both a cause of the changed relationship and one of the clearest illustrations of how... Реферат: Demographic Changes - Overpopulation /english/Реферат: Demographic Changes - Overpopulation /english/ Alexander V. Myskin, gr. 301 Overpopulation The surge in population is both a cause of the changed relationship and one of the clearest ill... Топик: Der BundeskanzlerТопик: Der Bundeskanzler Der Bundeskanzler Die Bundesregierung besteht aus dem Bundeskanzler und den Bundesmini-stem. Der Bundeskanzler bestimmt die Richtlinien der Politik und trgt dafr die Vera... Топик: Der BundesratТопик: Der Bundesrat Der Bundesrat Im Bundesrat werden die Lnder durch die Mitglieder ihrer Regierungen (Ministerprsidenten, Minister, Senatoren) vertreten. Jedes Land kann so viele Vertreter in... Реферат: Diana Spencer /english/Реферат: Diana Spencer /english/ Diana Spencer is not very happy, but she is a very good and one of the famous women. In her childhood Diana liked treatments and dancing. She is dancing very well... Доклад: Demographic crisis in RussiaДоклад: Demographic crisis in Russia Demographic crisis in Russia Recent demographic trends in Russia have caused widespread public concern. Russia is experiencing unusually high death rates from... Реферат: Demographic Changes In Russia /english/Реферат: Demographic Changes In Russia /english/ Alexander V. Myskin, gr. 301 Demographic crisis in Russia Recent demographic trends in Russia have caused widespread public concern. Russia is exp... Реферат: Diana Spencer.Реферат: Diana Spencer. Diana Spencer is not very happy, but she is a very good and one of the famous women. In her childhood Diana liked treatments and dancing. She is dancing very well. Diana’s... Топик: DeutschlandТопик: Deutschland Deutschland Grenzen Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland liegt mitten in Europa. Das Staatsgebiet Deutschlands ist 357000 Quadratkilometer grob. Flchenmbig ist Deutschland allerdings... Топик: Die Bundesregierung. Der BundeskanzlerТопик: Die Bundesregierung. Der Bundeskanzler Die Bundesregierung. Der Bundeskanzler Die Bundesregierung setzt sich aus dem Bundeskanzler und den Bundesministern zusammen. Die Bundesminister werd... Топик: Die Geschichte LeipzigsТопик: Die Geschichte Leipzigs Die Geschichte Leipzigs Leipzig ist eine Stadt der Vielfalt, eine Stadt der Messe, des Buches, der Wissenschaft, der Musik. Leipzig wurde 1015 als Handwerker- und K... Топик: Die mundliche Verhandlung. Die Einigung der ParteienТопик: Die mundliche Verhandlung. Die Einigung der Parteien Die mndliche Verhandlung. Die Einigung der Parteien Die Leitimg der mndlichen Verhandlung obliegt dem Vorsitzenden des Gerichts. Nach d... Топик: Die Organisation des BundestagesТопик: Die Organisation des Bundestages Die Organisation des Bundestages Die wichtigsten Organe des Bundestages sind: das Bundestagsplenum, der Bundestagsprsident, der ltestenrat, der Vorstand un... Топик: Die Verhandlungen im BundestagsplenumТопик: Die Verhandlungen im Bundestagsplenum Die Verhandlungen im Bundestagsplenum Der Bundestag hat das Recht, den Schlu und Wiederbeginn seiner Sitzung selbst zu bestimmen. Die Sitzungen des Bu... Топик: Die Sehenswurdigkeiten LeipzigsТопик: Die Sehenswurdigkeiten Leipzigs Die Sehensw rdigkeiten Leipzigs Leipzig ist die Stadt mit vielen Sehenswrdigkeiten. Die Stadt ist prchtig und zur gleichen Zeit gemtlich. berall sind die Gr...
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