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Economic Relations between Kazakhstan and Russia |
Economic Relations between Kazakhstan and Russiap> On October 1 2001 in Republic of Kazakhstan 740 share and foreign enterprises created with participation of Russia (including 466 share and274 foreign enterprises) with the authorized capital - 22,7 billion tenge operated. The share of the foreign founder in the authorized capital has made 1,3 billion tenge, or 5,94 %. From them 121 enterprises manufactured production, 72 - realized deliverings on export, 182 - had import receipts and 456 realized delivering on a home market. In 2000 in republic 461 enterprises, in 1999 - 325 operated. The enterprises created together with the Russian partners, realize the following aspects of activity: production of crude oil, mounting of the process equipment, construction of civil engineering buildings, manufacture of the electric power both electro distributive and monitoring equipment, pharmaceutical products, copper, woolen and synthetic fabrics, flour, processing and conservator of production, rendering of different aspects of services and researches, maintenance and repair of automobiles, activity in the field of a wireless and television. 2.1 Some aspects of economic interaction Kazakhstan and Russia For adjustment and intensive development of mutually advantageous two-
sided ratios within the framework of CIS Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian The interaction of Kazakhstan with Russia is a priority in external policy, external economic and military-strategic course of republic. A complex of the reasons conditions and factors having not tactical, but basic essence and long-time character stipulates it. Today common balance of mutual relation between Kazakhstan and Russia has positive character, as consider each other as the strategic partners and it establishes the important premise for their mutual cooperating in the field of policy, economy, science, engineering and other spheres. Kazakhstan-Russian economic partnership belongs to the most advanced
regions of two-sided ratios between two states, as for this purpose both
countries have premises for rapprochement. It in many respects defines
character, both mutual relation, and other economic links, folding in the On today there are favorable and unfavorable factors inherent in
Favorable a) Presence in Kazakhstan of large mineral operational lives.
b) Transit potential and favorable geopolitical position of Kazakhstan at
the center of the Eurasian continent: on a crossroads of trade and
transport paths from Europe in Asia: through China on Far East ports, Unfavorable a) A close arrangement of Kazakhstan to the inconsistent states Central f) Support by the countries of trade wars (introduction of limitation on import of the goods, policy of an ascertaining dumping in relation to the exported goods, raw interdependence of the countries etc.). In the beginning 1990s. It seemed, that the revived democratic states within the framework of their new statuses would be and further dynamically to explicate the ratios, filling their contents, adequate to a new position. However it has not taken place and in basic for past years of two- way communications were characterized defined inertia. As displays the analysis, the policy of Russia in a ratio of the states of Commonwealth for flowing out five years did not differ by a sequence. There was a natural process of comprehension of key national-state interests attended by searching for new, as it seemed, more perspective partners. Certainly, the today's level of economic integration does not answer
necessities national economic of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian . Trade-economic cooperating of Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation; . Frontier cooperating Republic Of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation; . Development of industrial-cooperation links in machine-building and chemical complexes, by means of creation of share financial and industrial groups; . Cooperating and development fuel and energy of complexes of Russia and Kazakhstan; . Cooperating in sphere of transport; . Cooperating of Kazakhstan and Russia in mastering vehicle launching of Baikonur; . Cooperating in mastering natural riches of the Caspian sea; . Scientific - technological cooperating; . Cooperating in the market of agricultural production. The historically folded trade ratios of the countries of the Eurasian region, including Russia and Kazakhstan from times “Silk road” - allow to hope for success in a development of economic cooperating in modern conditions. At the same time it is necessary to mark the common tendencies,
natural for the new independent countries. The orientation to the market of
long-distance foreign countries makes production of raw in branches of the
countries rarely for them raw refined in branches, as last valid by
considerably lower, than world, efficiency of the manufacture can not
acquire production first on world or close to world prices. Stronger links
with the world market of branches of the states of Commonwealth inevitably
preclude with their demand for production domestic resource refinery of
branches by virtue of its non-competitiveness in the world market. It
inevitably reduces different branches to of an economic development
resource producers and resource refinery of branches in the countries of 2.3 Engaging the foreign investments The participation of the foreign capital promotes the decision of the
following tasks: It is necessary to mark, that the cooperating of Kazakhstan and Russia can explicate in different regions of economy. For power engineering and mineral operational life’s priority directions are: the opportunity of an effective shared use of mineral operational life’s, introduction new and development of available processing manufactures oriented on export to long- distance foreign countries, creation of a reliable system energy supply, development of the transport communications, which development is stipulated by presence of investment operational life’s.
[pic] In structure of the direct foreign investments in Kazakhstan the share
of Russian Federation makes 5 %. In spite of the fact that the Russian
economy requires not less to investment means, the enclosure of the
investments serves the factor of interest by Kazakhstan. The interests of 2.4 Cooperating in the field of electric power industry As other step which has strengthened a positions of power branch, it
is possible to name creation on the basis of bankrupt CJSC “Ekibastuz Since 2000 the integrated power Grid of Kazakhstan works in a parallel condition from European Economic Community of Russia and grid system of the countries of Central Asia. The parallel operation of electric power systems has allowed
considerably to boost quality of electrical power and reliability of
electro supply of consumers of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Russian With the purposes of a heightening of efficiency of a parallel operation the measures on simplification of customs procedures are studied at migration of electrical power through the customs boundary. The operation coal extraction of the enterprises is stabilized. In 2.5 Cooperating in the field of machine construction industry The lowering of manufacture in machine construction industry and metalworking is called by aggravation of a financial condition of basic consumers of machine-building production, significant rise in price of import furnishing work pieces. The cooperating of Russia and Kazakhstan in machine construction
industry is possible at the expense of a shared use of available industrial
potential for issue of competitive production. On basis Kentau excavator
factory assembly manufacture of dredges together with joint-stock company Besides in machine building branch the creation JV on manufacture of diesel drives (planned on the basis of joint-stock company the “Kustanay” diesel factory and joint-stock company “Hurrah Laz”) and Transnational of financial and industrial group “Electropribor”. 2.6 Cooperating in the field of a uranium industry Annually Kazakhstan extracts and sells about 3 % (1,5 thousand tons)
from it Whole World of production. Production of the National company The company “Êàçàòîìïðîì” combines investigation, production and
manufacture of uranium, and also accompanying rarely of elements. Into its
structure go into: joint-stock company “Volkovgoelogy” one of highly
professional in all CIS of the geological enterprises, joint-stock company The basic manufacturer of uranium fuel in Kazakhstan - Ulbinski a
metal works. This versatile enterprise specializing on issue rarely metal
and super conducting production, and also special material, used in an
atomic industry, electron technology, instrument making, space engineering. In the near past the nuclear -fuel complex of Russia and Kazakhstan
made a single unit. To tear this line-up was it does not pay Russians, Last years the Kazakhstan raw material in basic went on export, and
the fuel tablets on Ulbinski factory were manufactured from the Russian raw
material. Besides is acute there was a problem solvency. Russia paid for
services by the consumer goods. An exit from the folded situation became
the offer of the Kazakhstan side to the partners from Russian "«fuel
element" of start-up of a new uranium line-up. As a result of the
enterprise deliver each other necessary components, in particular from Within the framework of this cooperating, with the purposes of an ascertaining of the greater confidence the National company “Kazatomprom”, releases the gold share, which is transferred and gives it the right to superimpose the veto on such decisions of Kazakhstan, As, for example, refusal to work in one nuclear-fuel cycle to not produce fuel tablets for Russian Atomic Electric Station or other irrational variations in the strategy and tactics of behavior in the market. In turn, Russia has given us assurances of a reliability and long term of the orders. It concerns uranium, but also tantalum raw material, beryllium etc. Durability of strategic interests of the sides by the plans on interchanging the shares Ulbinski factory on the similar shares of the enterprises of a nuclear -fuel cycle of Russia. In October, 2000 the long-term contract for manufacture CJSC Ulbinski
factory of dusts of uranium and fuel tablets for AES with their further
annual delivering in Russian Federation up to 200 ò of a dust and 300 ò of
tablets, on a period till 2005 inclusively is made. Considering problems of integration of Russia and Kazakhstan, it is
possible to conclude, that the activation of economic links between the
countries directly depends on the decision of legal, political, economic
and ecological problems precluding their more effective activity. The
opportunities by wider attract in a long-term perspective appreciably
depend on those political courses, which will be selected by both
countries. According to our reckoning, the creation of the common market of Thus, the necessity of effective economic interaction between the countries stipulates necessity of the further decision of existing problems and uses of every possible redundancy of premises of rise of manufacture. 3. involvement in international organizations, kazakhstan and russia For anybody not a secret, that creation and the operation of regional systems of safety in Central Asia was called by the following basic reasons: First, inability of the states becoming in plants of aggressive plans of the international terrorist architectures, appearing under Islamic by the slogans and using financial support international extremism of architectures to give them effective defense; Secondly, double standards of the conducting countries of West,
including USA, Great Britain, in a ratio of operations of a series of
terrorist architectures considered by them as battle groups national fight
for freedom of driving. By characteristic development of double standards
was, for example, the refusal of the American authorities to satisfy the
request Ministry of Foreign Affairs Peoples Republic Of China about output
gripped in captivities in Afghanistan of hits - citizens of Peoples Thirdly, the anti Soviet moods, cultivated in West by decades, in a
defined measure were transformed in anti Russian, especially to first half It would be possible to explain creation of military-aerial basses of After September 11 and especially after an overthrow reactionary
taliban of a condition in Afghanistan and ascertaining of the American
military presence in Central Asia basic; in essence there is a
consideration of an opportunity of cooperating of these architectures from Whether such script of a development of events in next China is necessary to Kazakhstan and other countries of region. Uniquely - is not present. The consequences of disorder USSR, as is known, have done without in tens thousand life and millions refugees. The important element of regional cooperating is the effective
military-engineering cooperating between the countries by the members DKNB. The important element of regional cooperating is the effective
military-engineering cooperating between the countries - members DKNB Today
any country of Central Asia is not capable in the nearest perspective to
refuse from former Soviet, so, presents Russian weapon and military
engineering. Hence, the key role of Russia in this direction will be saved. Tragedy of September 11 and military action, which has followed behind it, of USA in Afghanistan by a radical image, have changed a situation in our region. In this connection experts of Kazakhstan Contract, being the member, of collective safety, expected, that the states the members DKNB will consult among themselves on all questions of the international safety, including regional, but, unfortunately, such has not taken place also it once again speaks that one of the reasons of an inefficiency DKNB is an existing level of ratios between Russia and other sides of the Contract. On my sight, on the one hand, Russia till now is not ready to equal in rights partner to ratios with the new independent states, and, with another - in the countries FSU of space the suspiciousness and uncertainty is still saved in what policy Russia will realize further. Therefore, on my sight, the special urgency is acquired now by necessity of amplification of mutual confidence, openness, knowledge, first of all, between Kazakhstan and Russia having on FSU space the special level of ratios and the best premises for creation of allied ratios. Thus, at folding geopolitical the structure of regional systems of safety is necessary different level. In particular, Kazakhstan and Russia should not wait of operations on the part of other countries of region, by a phantom of the dollar help, and actively be shaded slide on a path not only economic integration in frameworks EAEU (Euro-Asian Economic Union), but also development of systems of safety in frameworks DKNB. Similar situation in a ratio of cooperating with China within the
framework of the Shanghai architecture of cooperating in a direction of
struggle with terrorism, extremism and separatism January 25, 2002 in Almaty the third session Integration of committee Nevertheless of Kazakhstan appears for a development EAEU (Euro-Asian
For five years already Kazakhstan, Russia, and other post-Soviet states, most of which are united in the Commonwealth of Independent States, have developed in the situation of a new political reality as equal agents of the world order. But the process of the formation of new independent states and open democratic social systems has just begun. Without going into detailed critique of the CIS, let us note that all its activities and all the bilateral and multilateral efforts of its member states clearly show that the time has come for a more effective, deep, and diverse integration of the countries involved - the kind of integration that would achieve a stabilization of the situation in the economy and ensure its development on a qualitatively new basis. This applies above all to the economies of Kazakhstan and Russia, which might become the engines of future integrative processes in the post-Soviet space. There are also quite a few issues pertaining to cooperation in the military-political, scientific-technological, humanitarian, and other spheres, which are awaiting their solution in the framework of a more effective integration model. The idea of the formation of the Eurasian union of states proposed by President Nazarbayev is precisely such a model; it organically combines both the existing realities and the objective needs of today and tomorrow. Taking into account the differences between our countries in the
levels of development of market economy, in the democratization of
political processes, we propose to establish an additional integrative
structure, the Eurasian Union, whose activities would be combined with
those of the CIS. In doing so, the member states will take into account the
diversity of integration scenarios and differences in the rate, form, and
direction of CIS states’ development. Thus there is an urgent need for the
formation of a new economic order in the CIS. Turning to the genesis of that integrative idea, it must be recalled that the Kazakhstan leader advocated the preservation of good relations and re-integration on a new basis of the former Soviet republics from the very first days of the new states acquiring independence. President Nazarbayev stressed repeatedly that he never raised the idea of independence to the status of a fetish but rather endeavored to preserve old ties and create new ones. The idea of the Eurasian Union originates in the midst of life, in the simple and universal human needs. From that moment, the debate on the idea of the EAU assumed a new tone. It accelerated the political crystallization on the choice between further disintegration and re-integration on a new basis. Many participants in the hearings stated that the EAU project offers a chance for entering the 21st century in a civilized manner, and that it reflects the objective logic of development of the post-Soviet space and the consciously realized objective need for the development of integration processes. In this way the initiative of forming the Eurasian Union was gaining momentum. The number of its adherents increased at scholarly events, in government offices, and in the diplomatic circles. An understanding and sincere approval of the EAU project was expressed, among others. The proposals contained in the EAU project - to introduce unified visa procedures, to guarantee the freedom of movement, to make the ruble the settlement unit, to create a unified system of defense, parliament, legislation, and an executive committee as an interstate organ - were at first guardedly received by some public figures. However, the numbers of adherents of integration are growing. Clearly, their approaches to the problem differ, but their desire for integration remains strong. On the question of the main principles of the EAU project, it must be stressed that the EAU is a union of equal, independent states aimed at the realization of the national interests of each member state and of the available integration potential. The EAU is a form of integration of sovereign states with the aim of consolidating stability and security and socioeconomic modernization in the post-Soviet space. Economic interests determine the foundations of the rapprochement among the independent states. The political institutions of the EAU must adequately reflect these interests and facilitate economic integration. The following principles and mechanism of formation of the Eurasian — National referendums or decisions of parliaments on the entry of states in the EAU; — The signing by member states of a treaty on the setting up of the EAU on the basis of the principles of equality, noninterference in the affairs of each other, respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of state borders. The treaty must lay the legal and organizational foundations for deeper integration, with the formation of an economic, currency, and political union as its goal; — No associated membership is permitted in the EAU; Independent states join the EAU, if the following preliminary
conditions are satisfied: — Mutual recognition of the existing political institutions of the EAU member countries; — Recognition of territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders; — Rejection of economic, political, and other forms of pressure in
inter-state relations; New members enter the EAU after an expert evaluation is passed on
their readiness to enter the EAU and all EAU members vote unanimously on
it. An organ formed on parity terms by the states, which expressed their
readiness to become EAU members, proposes expert evaluations. Every member can leave the EAU, giving notice not later than six
months before the decision is made. — The Council of EAU Heads of State and Heads of Government - the highest organ of EAU political leadership. Each member state chairs the EAU for a period of six months in rotation according to the Cyrillic alphabet. — The highest consultative and advisory body is the EAU Parliament. The — The main area of the activity of the EAU Parliament is coordination
of the member countries' legislation to insure the development of a unified
economic space, protection of the social rights and interests of
individuals and of mutual respect for state sovereignty and civil rights
within EAU states. . Encouraging the activities of non-governmental organizations in various areas of cooperation in accordance with EAU member countries' national legislation. — The Russian language is the official EAU language, functioning side by side with the languages of legislation in the member nations. — Citizenship. Free movement of citizens within EAU borders requires
coordination of external visa policy with regard to third nations. On
changing the country of residence within the EAU, an individual
automatically receives the other country's membership. — A commission on the economy under the Council of EAU Heads of State to work out the main directions of economic reform within the EAU framework; the commission takes into consideration the interests of the national states and offers its proposals for endorsement by the Council of the EAU Heads of State; — A commission on the raw materials of the EAU exporter countries to coordinate and endorse the prices and quotas for exported raw materials and fuel and energy resources, an appropriate inter-state agreement to be signed by the member countries; coordination of policy in the mining and sale of gold and other precious metals is to be envisaged; — A fund for economic and technological cooperation formed with EAU members' contributions. The fund will finance promising science-intensive economic, scientific, and technological programs and render assistance in the solution of a wide range of problems, including legal, tax, financial, and ecological issues; — A commission on inter-state financial-industrial groups and joint
ventures; — an EAU international investment bank; . The formation of joint peace-making EAU forces to maintain stability and eliminate conflicts within the member countries and between them. The sending of peace-making forces to conflict areas on EAU territory - with the agreement of EAU member states and in accordance with international legal norms; . The tabling of joint proposals by EAU member countries at international organizations, including the United Nations Security Council, on lending EAU joint contingents the status of a peace-making force; In the area of ecology, the following mechanisms must be formed in the
nearest future, according to the EAU project: And the interstate executive committee - a permanently functioning
executive and controlling body whose head is appointed by the heads of
government for a term which they themselves define. The practical realization of the provisions of the EAU project in the bilateral Kazakhstan!-Russian relations is excellent proof of the viability of this program. On January 20, 1995, a package of extremely important integration
documents was signed during the working meeting between presidents With the setting up of the Customs Union, the economic cooperation of the three countries is built on the principles of free, non-discriminatory trade; a common market of commodities, services, capital, and labor; and close interaction in the production, investment, and financial spheres. At present, the first stage in the formation of the Customs Union is
largely completed. The work done by the three sides is generally recognized
to be an important element of the realization of the foundations of the A treaty has been signed between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the At the second stage of the formation of Kazakhstani-Russian- Let us consider in somewhat greater detail the problems of citizenship, of which the solution on a bilateral basis was also outlined in the draft project of the EAU. Issues of citizenship became particularly prominent at the time of the emergence and building of sovereign independent states after the disintegration of the USSR, when tens of millions of former Soviet citizens overnight ended up outside their "historical homelands." This problem is as topical for Kazakhstan and Russia as for other CIS countries. More than that, it often figures as one of the most important issues of bilateral relations with Russia. The more acute aspects of this problem were lifted as a result of the
signing in January 1995 by the presidents of Russia and Kazakhstan of a
treaty on the legal status of citizens of both countries living on the
territory of the other state and of an agreement on simplified procedures
for acquiring citizenship in moving from one country to another. Well-known
specialists from the two countries worked fruitfully on these documents. These documents envisage the introduction of maximally simplified procedures for acquiring citizenship and for movement without visas; they also offer possibilities for contract work and military service; assert the rights of possession, use, and disposal of property; create conditions for exchange of currency and transfer of sums of money by individuals and corporate entities of Kazakhstan and Russia; and many other provisions which reliably protect the rights and interests of the citizens of the two countries. Yet another sphere in which combining the efforts of all the interested parties is needed is the legal status of the Caspian Sea. The position of the Republic of Kazakhstan on this issue is based on
the need for an early drafting and signing of a convention on the legal
status of the Caspian Sea, of which a draft was worked out by the The events of the recent years thus prove conclusively the need to
proceed to a new level of integration, which will fully conform to the
vital needs of the peoples. International experience shows that any
interstate association goes through various states in its development,
becoming enriched in the process with new forms of cooperation. The From the time of the publication of the draft EAU project, politicians
and scholars have been paying close attention to it. Four major scientific
and practical conferences were devoted to this subject, as were hundreds of
publications in Kazakhstan, Russia, and other states. Politicians,
scholars, and diplomats continue to study the EAU project with great
attention. History is offering us a chance to enter the 21st century in a
civilized manner. One of the ways to achieve that, in my view, is the
realization of the integration potential for the establishment of the This is how President Nazarbayev, the author of the Eurasian project,
characterized the development of this idea and his current vision of its
future: "I still remain an adherent of integration of post-Soviet space. As |
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