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Economic Relations between Kazakhstan and Russia |
Economic Relations between Kazakhstan and RussiaEconomic Relations between Kazakhstan and RussiaContents INTRODUCTION 1 1. THE RUSSIAN-KAZAKHSTAN RATIOES AT THE PRESENT STAGE 5 1.1 Mutual Trade 1.2 Cooperating in oil gas and power 15 1.3 Cooperating in sphere of transport and communication 18 2. CONDITION OF FOREIGN TRADE BOTH DEV’T OF THE JOINT / ENTERPRISES KAZAKHSAN AND RUSSIA 2.1 Some aspects of economic interaction Kazakhstan and Russia 22 2.2 The factors of economic interaction of Kazakhstan and Russia 24 2.3 Engaging the foreign investments 26 2.4 Cooperating in the field of electric power industry 27 2.5 Cooperating in the field of machine construction industry 28 2.6 Cooperating in the field of a uranium industry 29 3. involvement in international organizations, kazakhstan and russia 31 3.1 The Eurasian Union: Realities and Perspectives 34 CONCLUSION 61 LIST OF USED SOURSES 65 INTRODUCTION The origins of Kazakhstani-Russian relations lie in hoary antiquity, when In analyzing the relations between Rus and the Great Steppe, one
cannot fail to mention the work of the greatest specialist in this field, It must be noted in any analysis of the emergence of the 15 new, post- The immediate subject matter of the present study is not just the
isolated process of the sovereignty of one of the post-Soviet countries but
the emergence and development against this background of new interstate
relations of two major republics of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan and Another unifying factor is time—the many centuries of the history of mutual relations between the peoples of the two countries that have been neighbors in these great open spaces since the beginning of time. This far from simple history, full of drama and heroism, these strata of time bound together by the unremitting toil of numerous generations, unite the two peoples. The Soviet period in the relations between the two states let us recall
that, according to the 1977 Constitution of the USSR, the constituent
republics of the Soviet Union were declared to be "sovereign Soviet
socialist states" united in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and
having the right to enter into relations with foreign states, conclude
treaties and exchange diplomatic representatives, and - theoretically The emergence and further development of relations of equal partnership
between new independent states, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian The dominant role of Kazakhstani problems has determined the chronological framework of the investigation. The overall time frame covers the period from December 1991 the setting up of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which finally marked the disintegration of the USSR to the end of 1995. In the four years, bilateral Kazakhstani - Russian relations went through a series of significant stages the study of which can adequately determine the level of mutual relations between the two countries, the scope and range of integration. We single out three stages in the development of Kazakhstani-Russian relations: — Defining the legal interstate relations of the two countries December — Searching for a model of economic and political cooperation between
the states May 1992 - March 1994 Although some elements of legal contractual relations between We propose that the signing in May 1992 of the treaty of friendship,
cooperation, and mutual assistance between the two countries be singled out
as the concluding moment of the first stage in the relations between During the search for a model of interstate economic and political
cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, the principles were developed
for bilateral relations, which were later recorded in the treaty of
friendship, cooperation, and mutual assistance. The first official visit of This division of the time frame of bilateral Kazakhstani-Russian relations into periods shows that one of the goals of the present work is to demonstrate continuous development between Kazakhstan and Russia in the post-Soviet period. As the period of political history analyzed here is extremely close to the present, it cannot be regarded as worked out in detail in Russian and foreign scientific literature. However, the problems of development of the new statehood of post-Soviet countries of Kazakhstan in this case, of the birth and evolution of interstate relations, of their entry into the international community, are being studied ever more actively. The crucial period of the disintegration of the USSR and the emergence
on the map of the world of new, independent states was primarily reflected
in scientific periodicals. Special mention should be made of the collective
work The New Treaty of Union: The Search for Solutions. In recent years the development of market relations has considerably
boosted interest for economic and trade cooperation between the two
independent states. Mention must be made of a joint work by the staff of
the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies under the title Kazakhstan: The study is based on such sources as legal acts and interstate Extremely important sources for the study of the last five years in the history of Kazakhstan and of Kazakhstani-Russian relations are the works of President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan: Without the Right or the Left, The Strategy of the Formation and Development of Kazakhstan as a The process of market reform in the republic and the tendencies and
prospects for further reform in the socioeconomic sphere are reflected in
several books by Kazakhstan's Prime Minister A.M.Kazhegeldin: The The formation of the republic's diplomatic service and problems of its
civilized entry in the world community are studied in the works of The main distinctive feature of the source base of the study is the
fact that most documents of the given period of political history have not
yet been moved to the archives; it was therefore necessary to turn on many
occasions to various central and departmental current archives. The
identification and systematization of many sources, their publication in a
collection of materials devoted to the development of Kazakhstani-Russian
relations was in themselves an important task. 1.THE RUSSIAN-KAZAKHSTAN RATIOES AT THE PRESENT STAGE In a context of events, which have taken place in region after In these conditions of one of important external policies of tasks of Central Asia and Caspian Sea, so-called recently Caspian – Central In this region it always had the important national interests, which, however, in different periods were defined by different circumstances and factors. The key interests of Russia in this region at the present stage can be
reduced to the following. The importance of this region for Russia is stipulated not oil by the factor implying from desire to save influence on Caspian Sea; Our region is of interest for Russia territorial, where its
compatriots live. Are those, on our sight three dominating interest of Until recently Russia ensured above-mentioned interests without the special efforts. All countries of region in the majority were that or are otherwise dependent on Russian Federation.But the events, which have occurred after September of the last year, have brought in serious enough variations to a geopolitical situation in Central Asia and have affected on common position of forces in region. One of the occurred key variations consists that the break in sphere of traditional vital interests of Russia is watched which today faces to necessity Central Asia of policy. As a whole by 2001 in Central Asia the private tripartite balance between interests of Russia, China, USA was folded. The given balance can figuratively be presented as a triangle, in
which upper corner Russia, in one lower corner - USA, in the friend - China
settled down. These countries have occupied three strategic niches in The Russian presence at region last years was ensured, first of all, with strategic military-political component. A peaking of a problem extremism and the terrorisms in Central Asia, activation Islamic of driving of Uzbekistan, irreconcilable part of Integrated Tadjik opposition at immediate support Talib have established in 1999 - 2001 real threat for the countries of region. In these conditions only Russia was considered by the states of region as the real factor and safety. It is enough to recollect, that these years the contacts through link DKNB, intensive two-sided ratios in military and military-engineering sphere were especially made active. Thus, USA has occupied oil and gases a niche in our region, and Russia and China by virtue of economic circumstances could not with it compete in this direction. In this geopolitical triangle Russia all the same occupied a little bit dominating positions. This majoring in many respects was determined strategic military-political component, which role in the international ratios is traditionally high. In a context of a common global situation Russia forced to be reconciled with a determination of military basses of USA in region of its traditional interests. Taking into account all these circumstances, Russia faces to necessity of the policy in Central Asia. The further prolongation above-mentioned of the tendencies will have for it painful enough consequences. Despite of some variation of a role of Russia in Central Asia, for The necessity of activation of ratios with Russia and holding of
constructive cooperating on much important for Kazakhstan to directions is
dictated as well by that in case of essential weakening of Russia in In the whole traditional interests of Kazakhstan in a ratio of Russia are founded on four factors having long-time character and diminuendos by such eternal categories, as geography and history. First, the maintenance partner of ratios with Russia is necessary valid intercontinental of an arrangement of Kazakhstan, for which the exit on the world market is vital for an economic development. Russia in this respect occupies the strategically important position; being by the state, on which region pass vital for us strategy of transport and communication. Secondly, Russia is one of the important subjects of the international system, having significant political weight and rather large military- engineering opportunities. The Russian factor in many respects determines external policy a situation around of Kazakhstan, both on regional, and at the international level. Thirdly, Russia is the major economic partner Republic of Kazakhstan. In - fourth, both states are combined with a historical generality, spiritual and cultural links. In region of Russia the man is Kazakh In this context the Russian direction of exterior policy of Kazakhstan remains to one of priority and strategic. As a whole at the present stage in the Russian-Kazakhstan ratios the following most priority and perspective directions of cooperating are meant: 1.1 Mutual Trade. The interests of both countries are answered with magnifying of mutual trade. Russian Federation traditionally occupies the first place among the basic trade partners of Kazakhstan both on export, and on import. Trade turn over in 2001 from Russian Federation has made 4 639,3 million of US dollars (Diagrama1,2). It is necessary to mark, that last years the growth of a share of Basic trade partners, in import, 1994-2001 (%) [pic]
Basic trade partners, in export, 1994-2001 (%) [pic]
Considering structure of export and import on groups of the commodity spectrum, it is possible to select the following characteristic features. Export. Structure of export Republic of Kazakhstan in Russian At the same time it is necessary to mark, that the reduction of export has taken place not on all basic groups of the commodity spectrum. The specific gravity of export of ore has increased from 8 % up to 10 % and export of fuel from 46 % up to 47 %. Import of republic of Kazakhstan goes into first five of the countries of the basic trade partners of Russia in import. The specific gravity of import of Russia has increased in total amount of the Kazakhstan import from 36,7 % per 1999 up to 45,4 % per 2001. There were insignificant variations in groups of imported commodity production. So, the volumes of import were reduced Diagram 3 Diagram 4 Transport, accordingly, from 15 % in 2000 up to 11 % in 2001,
alongside with it the magnifying of import on such commodity groups is
marked: fuel mineral (from 17 % up to 21 %), chemical production (from 14 %
up to 16 %), black metals and work pieces from them (from 11 % up to 13 %) The analysis of export and import displays, that in structure of import as against export there is no predominance of separate commodity groups, it more diversification, at the same time grows a specific gravity of articles of food, products of processing ready articles. From 89 regions of Russian Federation 72 have trade - economic links
with Republic of Kazakhstan. Depending on volume trade turn over with As a whole on 16 regions of Russian Federation from 72 it is necessary Feature of transport -geographical interregional links of regions of Basic groups of the trade partners of Kazakhstan in Russia |Group |Annual |Regions |A share in | The important place in the Russia -Kazakhstan links occupies frontier
cooperating, on which share it is necessary 71,5 % from common commodity
circulation. Most actively explicate trade -economic links with frontier
regions of Kazakhstan Omsk, Orenburg, Astrakhan, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk
region and Altay region. From regions of Russia the ready roll stock of
black metals, pipe steel, petroleum, electric motors, automobiles, forest
products, coal, footwear, fabrics and other goods is taken out. In export
of many frontier subjects of Federation significant volume is necessary on
production of a petrochemical industry (Volgograd, Omsk, Samara region, In the Russia -Kazakhstan frontier region more 300 share enterprises, among which such large interstate join, as “Kazroshim”, “Koksohim”, automobile complex on basis Ural - for and Kustanay diesel factory operate. The essential propagation in trade with Kazakhstan was received with
barter operations (57 %). So, Orsk meat factory the combine sends in The significant experience of mutual economic cooperating with frontier
regions of Kazakhstan accumulated in the Orenburg region, and also Pavlodar
region of Kazakhstan with frontier regions of Russia. Now 18 % of the As a whole before Kazakhstan in mutual trade with Russia there is a series of perspective tasks, which decision will influence definitely a common economic situation in the country. One of the important tasks is the variation trade balance of Kazakhstan
from Russian Federation from negative in positive. Besides the gradual
variation of structure commodity circulation in favorable for Republic of Radiating from interests of two states, it is expedient in the nearest
perspective to consider a complex of measures on hardening links of
frontier regions. The necessity of creation of legal fundamentals of a
development of frontier regions does not call doubts. On our sight, it is
necessary to speed up development of the defining laws. Among them Laws Obvious presence of potential and mutually advantageous opportunities
of Russia and Kazakhstan also is by way of use of the optimum shapes of
specialization, density of the industrial and financial capital, use of
effective financial instruments, architecture of optimum commodity,
financial and transport streams. In this connection special urgency in a
development Kazakhstan – Russia of links was got with problems of a
synchronization of legislative and normative basis of the countries. It
would be expedient to realize step-by-step transition to collection of the Not less important the coordinated marketing strategy of Kazakhstan and One of the important instruments of hardening of two-way communications
could become creation of conditions for expansion of contacts between the
enterprises, creation of the share enterprises. On official dates (2000) in
republic 220 share Russia -Kazakhstan enterprises and 88 enterprises with
the 100--percent Russian capital actively work. The majority JV in
republic, including Russia-Kazakhstan JV, has trade –intermediary
directedness. However as against other states Russia- Kazakhstan JV of an
industrial directedness envelop considerably wider spectrum of spheres of
activity - from production and processing of natural operational life up to
production of a high scale of processing that in a defined measure confirms
an overall performance Russia- Kazakhstan JV. At the same time Russia 1.2 Cooperating in oil gas and power sphere. The given direction of cooperating between two countries by us is one of perspective. The structure of the Kazakhstan export of oil on the countries in 2001 is characterized by lowering of a share of delivering in the countries of CIS (17 %) and expansion of geography of export of oil in the countries of foreign countries (83 %) (Diagrama5). The indexes of export of petroleum in 2001 essentially have varied as
contrasted to 2000. Alongside with export of Kazakhstan realizes import of
petroleum. And 98 % of all imported volumes of petroleum are necessary on The lowering of the excise rates on imported petrol with 80 up to 31 Kazakhstan more than on 50 % depends on Russia in a ratio of delivering
of crude oil on refinery factory in Shimkentand Pavlodar receive west Its technological dependence on Russia falls into basic problems Omsk, Ufa, Volgograd refinery factory by the enterprises being vertically - integrated, they have stable access to crude oil, besides on reduced prices, which the necessities of northern Kazakhstan in petroleum could at desire completely satisfy. Structure of export of the Kazakhstan oil, 2001 [pic] Diagram 5 In oil and gas of branch the cooperating explicates also through link of
share development of the Kazakhstan deposits. Russia in the projects on
natural resources users in region of Republic of Kazakhstan, as it is
possible to see from the Diagrama6, occupies the fourth place and makes 6 Two Russian investors “Bashnevt” and OJSC “Lukoil” submit the investments in UVS. In oil branch of Kazakhstan the company “Lukoil” is submitted in such large projects, Tengiz and Karachiganak Besides “Lukoil” is ready to expand the presence at Kazakhstan, messages not only development of ready deposits, but also prospecting operations. The large interest in relation to Kazakhstan is expressed with the large oil Russian company “Yokus” which has received a section for developments in Russia and region of Kazakhstan. Structure of the direct foreign investments in Kazakhstan,2000[pic] Diagram 6 In sphere TPI of Kazakhstan the Russian investors are submitted by
such large companies, as the Russian Academy of Science of European The Kazakhstan enterprises also show interest to the Russian projects. Since 2000 the electric power system of Kazakhstan works in a parallel condition from European Economic Community of Russia and grid system of the countries of Central Asia. The parallel operation of electric power systems considerably has
boosted quality of electrical power and reliability of electro supply of
consumers of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Russian Federation, and also has
allowed operatively to realize surplus of electricity both transit of
electrical power and powers, it is more rational to use power powers of
electrical stations. The electric power system of Kazakhstan and Russian In the whole cooperating of Kazakhstan and Russia in fuel and energy sphere has noticeable perspectives. Rather perspective the project of transfer of a direct current With the purposes of security of a mutually acceptable uniform tax condition of trade in the electric power, utilities equipment it is expedient to realize transition of the countries at collection of indirect taxes on a principle the countries of assignment. In this connection for a heightening of efficiency of a parallel operation of electric power systems the simplification of customs procedures is important at migration of electrical power through the customs boundary. The major factor of a development of the power market is the deepening
of cooperating in the field of scientific researches and developments of
advanced techniques in manufacture of power, electro technical equipment. 1.3 Cooperating in sphere of transport and communications. Cooperating in sphere of transport and communications one of the most perspective regions of a development of two-sided ratios between Kazakhstan and Russia. Both states in a context of a development of transport cooperating have the friend for the friend a strategic value, as, apart from a wide national transport web, occupy defining a geographical position. Kazakhstan and Russia are closely coupled by the transport communications. In this connection of Kazakhstan is sensitive reacts to any variations under the tariffs for freight traffic on region of Russia. One of key here of questions - transportation of oil and gas through
region of Russia. In aggregate transportation of the Caspian oil and in the
whole oil is one of the major sides of the Russia -Kazakhstan cooperating. In a period with 1995 and till 1999 Russia gave Kazakhstan such quota,
which did not allow the Kazakhstan exporters to involve the algorithm
manifold Atyrau – Samara on an apparent watts its annual channel capacity
in 10,5 mln of tons of oil. And only in 1999 the algorithm manifold was
loaded almost on 100 %. The agreement on magnifying of a quota at transit
of oil in long-distance foreign countries at first up to 5 mln of tons This project, designed transport companies of both countries - Russian The first stage of reconstruction of the algorithm manifold Atyrau - For Kazakhstan the magnifying of a channel capacity of the algorithm
manifold Atyrau – Samara and export of oil through Russia opens the
perspective market of selling, what Europe is. On a system of oil pipelines By share efforts of Kazakhstan and Russia is put into operation During nearest of forty years CPC will be a stable source of the
incomes for the shareholders, and also Russia and Kazakhstan. According to
accounts, for a period of maintenance of the algorithm manifold in federal
and regional budgets of Russia will arrive approximately 23,3 billion of US
dollars as deductions and profit, of Kazakhstan will receive approximately The development of transport cooperating with Russian Federation is most actual for Kazakhstan’s for today within the framework of architecture of regional and transcontinental transit. Regional transit. Russian Federation is one of the basic countries of shaping and assignment of transit weights; on its share it is necessary about 26 % of shaping and 20 % of assignment of weights from total amount of all transit transportations. Transcontinental transit. In the whole transit streams in directions For Kazakhstan in this direction of activity has a primary value a
development of transportations on Northern corridor Trans Asian of a
railway turnpike on a route “China - Kazakhstan - Russia – Byelorussia As a whole in transport-communication sphere before Kazakhstan the
following tasks stand: 2. ABOUT A CONDITION OF FOREIGN TRADE BOTH DEV’T OF THE JOINT / ENTERPRISES KAZAKHSAN AND RUSSIA Indexes of foreign trade of RK with RF, 1995-2001 Russian Federation of the valid historically folded processes of an
economic development is the basic trade partner of Kazakhstan and basic
consumer of Kazakhstan production. The specific gravity of Russian In 1997 the reorientation on a development of the foreign trade links
with the countries of long-distance foreign countries began. In this
connection a -percent ratio in volumes of export between the countries of In 2000 there was an essential heightening of volumes of export with all countries - basic trade partners from among Commonwealth. The foreign trade turnover of Kazakhstan with Russia in 2000 has approximated to a level of 1997. The export has increased as contrasted to 1999 in 1,5 times, the import has increased by 82 %. In 2001 as contrasted to 2000 of delivering in Russian Federation practically have remained at a former level (reduction by 1 %). The share of Russia in total amount of export in 2001 has made 20,2 % Mineral products - 47,1 of % in 2001 (46,8 % in 2000): coal - 91 % of export coal from Kazakhstan, oil and gaseous condensate - 12 %, ores and concentrates iron, chrome, zinc -10,3 % (7,9 %); products of inorganic chemistry junction, inorganic and organic precious and rarely of metals of radioactive elements and isotopes 13 % (13,5 %): an oxide and hydracids of aluminum - 90 % of all outbound delivering; ferrous metals - 8,2 % (6,3 %). In import from Russian Federation predominate: mineral products,
machines and equipment. |
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