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Идол 90-х Курт Кобейн |
Идол 90-х Курт Кобейн? neeoeii caiyo,ecia?a?ay aoaoi y ia iaeaai, ? yoi ana o?a aeaae-y aue caanu naiui ia?aui. I?eiaa: I?yii n caiee ia iaai, N iaaan i?yieeii a a?ycu. Eoieao 2. I?eiaa (o2). 8.Milk it I am my own parasite, I don't need a host to live, We feed off of each other, The can share out endorphins. Doll steak, Test meat. Look on the bright side is suicide, Lost eyesinght I'm on you side. Angel left wing,right wing?broken wing Lack of iron left/or sleeping. I own my own pet virus, I get to pet and name her, Her milk is my sheit. My shit is her milk. Test meat Doll steak. Verse 3. Doll steak, Test meat. Verse 3. Protector of the kennel Ecto-plasma,ecto-skeletal Obituary birthday Your scent in still here in my place of recovery. 8. Iaaie iiei?ea ? ia?aceoe?o? ia naiii naaa, Ieeaeie a?oaie oicyei iia ia io?ai, Iu iaaeenu a?oa a?oaii ai ioaaea, E ii?ao aaeeouny naieie yiai?oeiaie. Aeoooaen ec eoeie Iii?iaoe iynoi. Niio?aou ia ana ni naaoeie noi?iiu-?aaiineeuii naiioaeenoao, Aoao?e ia oaiae noi?iia y ineai, Aiaaea eaaia e?uei,i?aaia e?uei,neiiaiiia e?uei, Iaainoaoie ?aeaca e / eee nia. ? iieo?ee a nianoaaiiinou ae?on,y iieo?ee naiaai e?aeioa, Oaia?u iia iaiaoiaeii caaioeouny i iai e aaou aio eiy. Aa iieiei-iia aa?uii, Iia aa?uii-aa iieiei. Iii?iaoe iynoi, aeoooaen ec eoeie. Eoieao 3. Aeoooaen ec eoeie Iii?iaoe iynoi. Eoieao 3. Caueoiee ea?oa, Yeoi-ieacia,yeoi-neaeao, Iae?ieia ii neo?a? aiy ?i?aaiey, Oaie caiao ana aua aeoaao caanu,a oii ianoa aaa y iaae?a?nu nee iinea aucai?iaeaiey. 9. Pennyroyal tea. I'm on my time with ev'ryone, I have very bad posture. Sit and drink Pennyroyal tea, Distill the life it's inside for me, Sit and drink Pennyroyal tea, I'm anemic royalty. Give me a Leonard Gahen afterwold, So I can sing eternally I'm so tired,I can't sleep, I'm a liar and a thiarf. Sit and drink Pennyroyal tea, I'm anemic royalty. I'm on warm milk and laxatives, Chery-flavored antacids. Sit and drink Pennyroyal tea, Distill the life it's inside for me, Sit and drink Pennyroyal tea, I'm anemic royalty. 9. Iyoiue ?ae ? ei anai i?eon?o aia?aiy, Iiei?aiea iia aiaieuii o?aiiaia, Ne?o e iaaoaa?nu iyoiui ?aai, Iooeeuo?iauaa? ?eciu,eioi?ay eaao aioo?e iaiy. Ne?o e iaaoaa?nu iyoiui ?aai, ? aiaie?iay iniaa ei?ieaaneeo e?iaae. Iiaaou iia iioonoi?iiiee ie? Eaiia?aa Eiyia, aaau y iia acauoaou oaeo? aa?iinou. ? oae onoae,?oi niaou ia iiao, ? -eaoi e ai?. Ne?o e iaaoaa?nu iyoiui ?aai, ? aiaie?iay iniaa ei?ieaaneeo e?iaae. ? iiaaa??eaa? naay oaieui iieieii,neaaeoaeuiui, Aa oaaeaoeaie io ec?iae n aeoiaaie ynnaioeae. Ne?o e iaaoaa?nu iyoiui ?aai, Iooeeuo?iauaa? ?eciu,eioi?ay eaao aioo?e iaiy. Ne?o e iaaoaa?nu iyoiui ?aai, ? aiaie?iay iniaa ei?ieaaneeo e?iaae. 10.Radio friendly unit shifter Use just once and destroy, Invasiob of our piracy Afterbirth of a nation Strave without your skeleton key. I love you for that I'm not, I do not want what I have got A blanked acneed with cigarette burns Speak at once while taking turns. What is wrong with me?(x3) This had nothing to do wiht what you think If you ever think at all Bi-polar opposites attract All of a sudden my water broke I love you for that I'm not, I do not want what I have got A blanked acneed with cigarette burns Second-rate third degree burns. What is wrong with me?(x3) What do I think I think? Hate,hate your anemies, Save,save your friends, Find,find your place, Speak,speak the truth. What is wrong with me?(x3) What is what I need? What do I think I think? Verse 1. What is wrong with me?(x3) What do I think I think? What is wrong with me?(x3) What is what I need? What do I think I think? 10.A?o?aneee ia?aee??aoaeu aeaiaciiia ia ?aaei Eniieucoe anaai eeou ?ac e oie?oi?u, Iaoanoaea iaoaai ie?aonoaa, Iineaa iaoee, Aieiaa?uee aac oaiae oieaa?naeuiie ioiu?ee. ? e?ae? oaay ca oi,?oi y-nianai ia oio ?aeiaae, ? ia oi?o oiai,?oi o iaiy o?a anou, I?inouiy onaaia au?eaie,i?i??aiiuie neaa?aoaie, Iiea iiaoiaeo i?a?aau nea?e n?aco,- ?oi ni iiie ia oae?(o3) E yoi ia eiaao ie?aai iauaai n oai,?oi aoiaaou ou, Anee aiiaua ou niiniaai aoiaou, ?aciieiaiiua iie?na i?eoyaeaa?ony a?oa e a?oao, Ie n oiai ie n naai y neeaa? aiao. ? e?ae? oaay ca oi,?oi y-nianai ia oio ?aeiaae, ? ia oi?o oiai,?oi o iaiy o?a anou, I?inouiy onaaia au?eaie,i?i??aiiuie neaa?aoaie, Aoi?ini?oiua i?iae o?aouae noaiaie. ?oi ni iiie ia oae?(o3) ?oi y aoia? ii iiaiao oiai,?oi y aoia?? Iaiaaeau,iaiaaeau naieo a?aaia, Nianae,nianae naieo a?ocae, Iaeae,iaeae naia ianoi, Nea?e,nea?e i?aaao. ?oi ni iiie ia oae?(o3) ?oi ?a iia io?ii? ?oi y aoia? ii iiaiao oiai,?oi y aoia?? Eoieao 1. ?oi ni iiie ia oae?(o3) ?oi y aoia? ii iiaiao oiai,?oi y aoia?? ?oi ni iiie ia oae?(o3) ?oi y aoia? ii iiaiao oiai,?oi y aoia?? 11.Tourette's (incomprehensible babble,including words Cufr,Tish,Sips). (ia?acai??eaue oaeno ni neiaaie Cufr,Tish,Sips-aiaa?aiiu neia Fuck,Shit,Piss) 12.All apologies What else should I be? All apologies What else could I say? Everyone is gay. What else could I wright? I don't have the right. What else should I be? All apologies Chorus: In the sun, In the sun I feel as one. In the sun ,In the sun, I'm married burried. I wish,Iwas like you, Easily amused. Find my nest of salt. I'll take all the blame, Aqua seafofm shame. Sunburm with freezeburn Choking on the ashes of her enemy. Chorus. Married,buried. Year,year,year. All alone is all we all are.(x20). 12. Iaie nieioiua ecaeiaiey Eai aua y iia au auou? Iaie nieioiua ecaeiaiey. ?oi aua y iiao neacaou? Ana-iaaeee. ?oi aua y iia au iaienaou? O iaiy iao ia oi i?aaa. Eai aua y iia au auou? Iaie nieioiua ecaeiaiey. I?eiaa: Ia nieioa, Ia nieioa y inicia? naay eai-oi, Ia nieioa,ia nieioa... ? ?aieeny,y iia?aaai-iioi?iiai. Oioae au y auou iioi?ei ia oaay, Oaeei ?a niaoeeaui, Iaeoe naia aiacai,naeoia ec ino?ioiey, Ana ?oi ie anou-iiy ioeaea, ? aicuio an? aeio ia naay. Noua,au?uee iaiie ii?neie aiau, Nieia?iue i?ia io ii?iceeuieea, Oaouua io iaiea aa a?aaa? I?eiaa: ?aiao,iia?aaai-iioi?iiai, Aa,aa,aa. Ea?aue ec ian iaeiie e ana aianoa iu iaeiiee.(o12). 13.Gallons of rubbing alcohol flow through the strip (Whatever develurd American dollar purchase inventire track). 13.Aaeeiiu auieaee,oaeouae ?a?ac aoeuaa? (oaeno ionoonoaoao). Songs from compilation & live LP Songs from Incesticide (p)92 1.Dive Oh! Pick me,pick me,year. Live alone lone single. At least,at least year. everyone is hollow. Pick me,pick me,year. Everyone is waiting. Pick me,pick me,year. You can be the baby. Chorus: Hey,dive,dive,dive,dive in me! Dive,dive,dive,dive in me! Dive in me, dive in me, dive in me, dive in me Kiss this,kiss that,year. Live alone lone single. At least,at least year. You could be my hero. Pick me,pick me,year. Everyone is waiting. Hit me,hit me year, I'm real good in hitting. Chorus. Hey,dive,dive,dive,dive in me! Dive,dive,dive,dive in me! (x2) Dive in me, dive in me, dive in me, dive in me. (x6) 1.Iu?ye I! auaa?e iaiy,auaa?e iaiy eae ieia,- ?-yia?ae?iue e naiinoiyoaeuiue,iaeiieee aa oieinoie, Ii e?aeiae ia?a,ii e?aeiae ia?a, Ana e?ae-anaai eeou iaiei?ee,aioo?e-ionoioa, Ni?ae iaiy,ni?ae iaiy eae ieia, Ana caia?ee a i?eaaiee, Ia?aae?ae,ia?aae?ae iie no?oiu, Ou aiieia ii?aou noaou iiae e?ioeie-iia?o?eie. I?iiaa: Ye,iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye a iaiy! Iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye a iaiy! Iia?o?aeny a iaiy,iia?o?aeny a iaiu,iia?o?aeny, Iioaeoe iaiy n?aa,iioaeoe iaiy ooaa,aa- ?-yia?ae?iue e naiinoiyoaeuiue,iaeiieee aa oieinoie, Ii e?aeiae ia?a,ii e?aeiae ia?a, Ou iiaea au noaou iiae aa?ieiae, auaa?e iaiy,ioaa?e iaiu n?aae i?i?eo,aa, Ana caia?ee a i?eaaiee, Oaa?u iaiy,oaa?u iaiy,aa, ? i?aa?aua?nu a ?a?oianee eeanniiai ia?iy,eiaaa iaiy au?o. I?eiaa. Ye,iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye a iaiy! Iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye,iu?ye a iaiy!(o2) Iia?o?aeny a iaiy,iia?o?aeny a iaiu,iia?o?aeny.(o6) 2.Sliver Mom and Dad went to a show, Dropped me of a Grandpa Joe's. I kicked and screamed,said please ore no Grandma take me home.(x8) Had to eat my dinner where, Had mashed potato's and stuff like that, Couldn't chew my mrat so good, Grandma take me home.(x8) Said why don't you stop your crying. Go outside and ride your bike, That's what I did,I killer's my toes. Grandma take me home.(x8) After dinner I had ice cream, Feel asleep and watched TV, Woke up in my mother's arms. Grandma take me home.(x19) I wanna be alone. 2. Iouaiaiao Iaioey n iaioeae ioi?aaeeenu ia uio, Iiaeeioa iaiy aaaoea ii eiaie A?i, ? a?ueaeny e oiieye "Io ii?aeoenoa,ia iaai!" Aaaoey,ioaaae iaiy aiiie (o8). I?eoeinu oai iiiaaaaou, Anou ea?oioaeuiia i??a e anyeo? oaeo?-nyeo? aaainou, ? ia iia eae neaaoao i?i?aaaou iyni. Aaaoey,ioaaae iaiy aiiie (o8). Iia neacaee "Ii?ao oaaoeo aiieou?" Eae-ea ia oeeoo e iieaoaeny ia aaeineiaaa. Io e y iioae e naee naaa ana iaeuuu ia iiaao. Aaaoey,ioaaae iaiy aiiie (o8). Iinea iaaaa iaiy iaei?ieee ii?i?aiui ? aca?aiioe e iiniio?ae OA, A i?inioeny y a iauyoeyo naie iaii?ee. Aaaoey,ioaaae iaiy aiiie (o19). ? oi?o iiauou iaei. 3.Stain Well me naver blssds and he never fucks And he never leaves cuz he's got bad luck. Well he never reads and he never draws And he never sleep cuz he's god bad blood year. I'm a stain(x4). (all repeat 2 times). I'm a stain(x4). Verse 1. I'm a stain(x4). 3.Iyoii Cia?eo oae:ii ieeiaaa ia ii?a?oaoao e eaieae naiae e?iae, e iieiaaa ia o?aoaaony, E ii ieeoaa ia acaeo,iioiio ?oi aio anaaaa ia aacao, Cia?eo oae:ii ieeiaaa ia ?eoaao e ieeiaaa ia ?enoao, E ieeiaaa ia nieo,iioiio ?oi aai a?ucao ecioo?e a?a?aaaiinou. ?-iyoii. (o4) (Ana iiaoi?yaony 2 ?aca0. ?-iyoii. (o4) Eoieao 1. ?-iyoii. (o4) 4. Been a son She should have stayed away from friends. She should have had more time to spend. She should have died there she was born. She should have worn the crown of thorns. She should have been a son (x4). She should have stood out in the crowd. She should have made her mother proud. She should have fallen on her stance. She should have had another chanse. She should have been a son (x4). She should have been a son (x4). Verse 1. 4.Auou au nuiii Ae neaaiaaei au aa??aouny iiaaeuoa io a?ocae, Ae neaaiaaei au eiaou iiaieuoa naiaiaiiai a?aiaie, Ae neaaiaaei au oia?aou oai ?a aaa iia ?iaeeanu, Ae neaaiaaei au iineou oa?iiaue aaiao, Ae neaaiaaei au auou nuiii.(o4) Ae neaaiaaei au auaaeyouny ec oieiu, Ae neaaiaaei au canoaaeou iaou ai?aeouny a?, Ae neaaiaaei au iieo?eou aua iaei oain, Ae neaaiaaei au auou nuiii.(o4) Ae neaaiaaei au auou nuiii.(o4) Eoieao 1. 5.Tusnaround (m.Mothersbought / G.Casale) Take a step outside youself And turn around. Take a look at who you are, It's pretty scary, So silly, Revolting, You're noy much, You can't do anything. Take a step outside the city And turn around. Take a look at who you are, It is revolving. You're really nohere, So wasteful, So folish, Poppycock. Who said don't look back? Don't believe em Go for that crazy sounding retaurant Don't you let them so it? You know that I am talking about? You hear me talking?(x20 It's pretty scary,it's so revolving (x40. Take a step outside the country, And turn around. Take a look at who you are, It is amazing. Take a good look, You're not big deal, You're so petty. It's lots Take a step outside the planet And turn around. Take a look at who you are, It's a pretty scary. 5.Iaeyienu (I.Iaca?naao e A. Eanyee) Naaeae oaa,aueae ca i?aaaeu naiiai naay, E iaeyienu iacaa, Iiniio?e,eoi ou oaeie, Aea aiaieuii ?ooeee, Oaeie aeoiue, Aiciooeoaeuiue, Ou ie?aai ia noieou, Ou ie?aai ia ii?aou aaeaou. Naaeae oaa,iieeiu i?aaaeu ai?iaa, E iaeyienu iacaa, Iiniio?e,?ai ou noae, Oioiioai?iia aia?aoeaiea, Ou ia naiii aaea-ieaaa, Oaeie o?ai?e?a, Oaeie ooieoa, ?oou eaeay-oi. Eoi neacae "Ia iaeyauaaeny?" Ia aa?u ei, Caeae a yoio ?anoi?ai ni no?aiiui iacaaieai, Iioiio ?oi iie naaea?o aua iaio iiiuoeo e oay?oony ca oiaie, Auac?aaou,i ?ai yoi y ? Ou neuoeou iaiy? Ana aiaieuii ?ooei,ana oae oioiioai?ii. (o4) Naaeae oaa,iieeiu i?aaaeu yoie no?aiu, E iaeyienu iacaa, Iiniio?e,?ai ou noae, Ii?aceoaeuiia aaei! I?eaeyaenu-ea iieo?oa, Ou,ii i?aaaa aiai?y,ia aaeeea oeoea, Ou iaeeay-iaeeay nioea, Oae o? iaienaii o oaay ia ?iao. Naaeae oaa,iieeiu i?aaaeu yoie ieaiaou, E iaeyienu iacaa, Iiniio?e ia oi ianoi aaa ou anou, Aiaieuii ioa?aoeoaeuiia c?aeeua. 6.Moly's lips (Eugenne Kelly / Franses McKee) She said She'd take me anythere, She'd take me anythere, as long,as she stays with me. She said She'd take me anythere, She'd take me anythere, As long as I stayed clean. kiss,kiss molly's lips.(x4) (all repeat 3 times). kiss,kiss molly's lips.(x4) 6.Aoau Iieee (?a?ei Eaeee / O?ainan Iaeee) Iia neacaea, ?oi aoaao a?aou aacaa iaiy n niaie, ?oi aoaao a?aou aacaa iaiy n niaie, Iiea iia aiaeony ni iiie. Iia neacaea, ?oi aoaao a?aou aacaa iaiy n niaie, ?oi aoaao a?aou aacaa iaiy n niaie, Iiea y aoao ?enoui-iaii?i?iui. Iioaeoe,iioaeoe aoau Iieee (o4). (ana iiaoi?yaony 3 ?aca). Iioaeoe,iioaeoe aoau Iieee (o4). 7. Son of a gun (Eugenne Kelly / Franses McKee) Up,up,up and down, Turn,turn,turnaround, Round,round,roundabout Abd over again. Gun,gun,son of a gun, You are the only one, Makes and difference that I say. Chorus: The sun shines in the bedroom, When we play, The ranning always starts, When you go away, The sun shines in the bedroom, When we play, The ranning always starts, When you go away. (all repeat 3 times). Chorus. 7.Noeei nui (?a?ei Eaeee / O?ainan Iaeee) Ooaa,n?aa,aaa?o e aiec, Iiaa?ienu,iiaa?ienu,e?oaii iiaa?ienu, E?o?enu,e?o?enu,oiae e?oaaie, Niiaa e niiaa,aua e aua, Noeei nui,noeei nui, Ou-aaeinoaaiiue, Eoi ia?auaao aieiaiea ia oi,?oi y aiai??. I?eiaa: Nieioa neyao a niaeuia, Eiaaa iu caoaaaai iaoe ea?u, E anaaaa ia?eiaaony ai?au, Eeou oieuei noieo oaaa oeoe. Nieioa neyao a niaeuia, Eiaaa iu caoaaaai iaoe ea?u, E anaaaa ia?eiaaony ai?au, Eeou oieuei noieo oaaa oeoe. (ana iiaoi?yaony 3 ?aca). I?eiaa. 8. (New wave) polly (version from LP Nevermind) 8.Iieee (iiaay aieia) (aa?ney ec aeuaiia II OEAO) 9.Beeswax Lying here sitting in front of a fire Not only Megan said I could thrive on a shot. Grinning my manhold and judle the mantle, I cut it up for you. Say hey,hey and I wake up. I got my do this way.(x3) I got my do. She laught about it, squeaking inflektion when the wign blowse just right, Dragging your trumbs of my shit. How many jumbs is in it? Right hey then I getting back, I got my do this way.(x3) I got my do. (Incomprehensible babble) Hear my fucking hate I got my do this way.(x3) I got my do. If your world is getting agly, Fiberglass situationis as can as cotton candy, Sunning out to save a ranch you ovulate, Freedom and count out being wrong. I fell you will gladly take it anal Filly sli reminds me off someone. I undestand you Fear for the Love Boat, Don't need to kneal, save all the cho ho, And I get along. I got my feet this pay, I got a little tale, I got my do this way.(x2) (Incomprehensible babble) When you're getting in I got my do this way.(x6) I got my do this. 9.Iao?enu aineii Aaeyynu caanu,neay ia?aa eaieiii, Ia oieuei iaia Iaaai aiai?eea,?oi anee y oeie?nu,y caaaeaa?, Iia io?neia ainoieinoai ei??eo a?eiano e auneacuaaao iaaiaieunoai iaoyiooie ia iaai iaioeae, ? ?ac?aca? aa ?aae oaay. Nea?e "Ye",e y i?inionu, ? canoaaee naay iinooieou eiaiii oae. ? canoaaee naay. Iia niaaony iaa yoei, Acaecaeaay,eiaaa aaoa? aoao a io?io? noi?iio, Auoyaeaay oaie iaeuou ec ?oeaaia iiae ?oaaoee, Neieuei ?ac iu o?aoaeenu? (ia?acai??eaia ai?iioaiea). Oeiae iioeo iiae aieaaiiie iaiaaenoe, ? canoaaee naay iinooieou eiaiii oae. ? canoaaee naay. Anee oaie ie? noaiiaeony o?iaeeaui, Neooaoey,noi?ay ni noaeeiaieieiii ii nooe aaea, oi ?a iiiieiia aaa?i,?oi e neaaeay aaoa, Aunoaaeaiiay ia nieioa aey nianaiey neioiaia?aneie oa?iu, eioi?o? ou iieiaioai?ee. Naiaiaa e ieeaeeo niiiaiee a nianoaaiiie i?aaioa, ? ?oanoao?,?oi ou n ?aainou? iianoaaeea au nai? caaieoo, Oeo??uay iieiaay eiaueea iia eia-eiai iaiiieiaao. ? iiieia? oaie no?ao ia?aa Eiaeie E?aae. Ia noaiiaenu ia eieaie, Inoaau i?e naaa yoe ?i-oi, ? iaieaonu e oae, ? oaeei ia?acii neiaee eaeo, E ioe?ue iaaieuoie n?ao, ? canoaaee naay iinooieou eiaiii oae . (ia?acai??eaia ai?iioaiea). Eiaaa ou aeacaaou ii naiua oue a yoi aa?uii, ? aie?ai naau canoaaeou iinooieou eiaiii oae? ? aie?ai canoaaeou... 10 .Downer (from LP Bleach). 10.O?aieaeeecaoi? (ec aeuaiia Iaaaoaiay ecaanou) 11.Mexican seafood Oh,it's you fase,it isn't even true, The jaws and claims You entertine andchew the fundus mold Is my interaction Oh,it's only a ,it is infection. Only her tonight,until i pay. Only her tonight,until I feel asleep. Oh,comming from,the diarrhea, Oh,her tired form I come in plase and leave a difty book On the cloudly glass,Finder burn,and become A Childhood mess. Only her tonight,until I plea. Only her tonight,until I sing. Oh,take my back,lets just consise Some flies,bugs and fleas And evel mael can't stain the vaseline It headed burgers out It case it learns and takes it chilehood such. 11.?uaiua ae?aa ii iaeneeainee I,yoi oaia eeoi,a iai iao ie?aai i?aaaeaiai, Aieoiaiy e i?aoaicee, Ou ?acaeaeaaou e ?oaou a?eaeiao? ieanaiu, Oaeei ia?acii y anooia? n oiaie ai acaeiiaaenoaea, I,yoi anaai eeou,anaai eeou eioaeoey. Yoa ii?u-oieuei aa,iiea y ia caiea?o, Yoa ii?u-oieuei aa,y canioe ia?oaui niii. I,auoiaeo ana,iaoo?aeuiue iiiin, I,aa onoaeue neeoao, ? aoi?o,oie?ioai?aiiue e a?ina? iiaeue acaeya Ia aui?aoia noaeei,aeaieneaoaeu oioiaiia?aoa iae?uaaaony, E ia?eiaaony eooa?uia eae a aaonoaa. Yoa ii?u-oieuei aa,iiea y ia aciie?nu, Yoa ii?u-oieuei aa iiea y ia ia?io iaou. I,caaa?eoa iaiy ia?aoii,iicaieuoa auou iaiiiaineiaiuie, Iooai,?oeai e aeioai, E aa?a aaa ia ii?ao enia?eaou aacaeei, Aieiaanoue a??aa? aoaao aioia,ioa?ineo eiiuoa, Anee ii ociaao iai anai e aini?eiao oaia aaonoai oaeei,eaeia iii anou. 12. Hairspray queen I was your mine,you were mine, I didn't mean you were,mine I was you.(x3) You're in are... You rang, Yours rangs. I was your mine,you were mine, I didn't mean you were,mine I was you.(x3) You're in are... At night wishful gardens At night will be gaaaaaa I was your mine,you were mine, I didn't mean you were,mine I was you.(x3) You're in are... Wishful gardens, at night Where the heart is at night, Wishful gardens, at night Wishful gardens. I was your mine,you were mine, I didn't mean you were,mine I was you.(x3) You're in are... At night wishful gardens At night , where the heart is, At night,disco gardens At night you were so modest At night,Cricko lockers At night,the mount for homely it's like fistful garbage At night,the whiz go gaaaaaa... 12.Ei?ieaaa eaea aey aiein ? aue oaiae eio?e?eie,a ou auea iiae, ? ia eiae aaeao,?oi ou i?eiaaea?aea iia,a y oaaa.(o3) Ou iaoiaeony a ... Ou caiieea. Oaie aiein i?icao?ae. ? aue oaiei cieioui i?eeneii,a ou iiei, ? ia eiae aaeao,?oi ou i?eiaaea?aea iia,a y oaaa.(o3) Ou iaoiaeony a ... Ii?u?,a naaao ?aeaiee, Ii?u? oai,oai aaa na?aoa, Ii?u? naau aenei, Ii?u? iu aoaai... ? aue oaiae iianiie oaooie,ou-iiae, ? ia eiae aaeao,?oi ou i?eiaaea?aea iia,a y oaaa.(o3) Ou iaoiaeony a ... Ii?u?,a naaao ?aeaiee, Oai aaa na?aoa,ii?u?, A naaao ?aeaiee,ii?u?, A naaao ?aeaiee. ? aue oaiae iianiie oaooie,ou-iiae, ? ia eiae aaeao,?oi ou i?eiaaea?aea iia,a y oaaa.(o3) Ou iaoiaeony a ... Ii?u?,a naaao ?aeaiee, Ii?u? oai,oai aaa na?aoa, Ii?u? naau aenei, Ii?u? ou auea oaeie ne?iiiie, Ii?u?,oieiaeeuiua eaia?u E?enei, Ii?u? eioaaea aey aiiaoieo ooao, Yoi iioi?a ia iieiua ai?noe ioa?inia, Ii?u?,ia?eiaaony aa?a?eiea,iiaoaee... 13. Aero zeppelin Whats the season of love If you can't have everythink? Whats the reason of love If you can lose everythink? Whats the meaning of love It's a crime of anythink. Whats the meaning of love? It's grand,it's grand. How can a culture can forget? It's plan of yesturday And you swear it's not a trend. Does it matter anywayws? Barely head the top of friend Like it moves every day You could shit upon the stairs You'll be friends (x4). All the kids have laid it out And it's back is probably. Still it's sabtle in my tape Keep a form of equally. Now you know it's just the fact. Where the world is nowadays And the day is what we learn. Does the matter anyways? Verse 2. 13. Ay?i oaiiaeei Eaeia e ?a?oo a?aiy e?aae, Anee o oaay ie?aai iao? Eaeie e ?a?oo niune a e?aae, Anee ii?aou iioa?you ana? ?oi aiiaua cia?eo "e?aiau"? Yoi a?aiaeicii,yoi a?aiaeicii. Eae eoeuoo?a ii?ao ?oi-oi caauou? Yoi a?a?aoiee ieai, E ou eeyiaony,?oi yoi ia a ?onea nia?aiaiiie iiau, Cia?eo ee yoi oiou ?oi-ieaoau? Ia oaynu,?aneaee aie?ania aa?oie naiaai a?o?ea, Neiaii ii aaeaaao ei ea?aue aaiu, Ou iiaea au ian?aou i?yii ia nooiaiuee, Au iia?o?eoanu (o4). Ana aaoe aunoaaeyee yoi iaiieac, Noay ii anaio ana iiaoi?yaony, Ia caiene yoi aiaieuii o?oaii ?acia?aou, Iiaaa??eaae oi?io ia ?aaiuo, Eaia?u-oi ou ciaaou,?oi yoi-anaai eeou eiinoaoaoey oaeoa,- Aii oai naaiaiy iaoiaeony aanu ie?, E oio aaiu,eioi?ue iu aieiaoaeuii eco?aai, A anou ee a yoii eaeie-ieaoau niune? Eoieao 2. 14.Big long now It's not cold enouth, Please put his side up, She is moon grey. Can we show our saces now? I'm not a string, She's not turning gray. Simple as at seems. Can we show our saces now? Ednless climb. I am blind. What can I hear? Speaking a phrase. Instantly gsown. I am bkind Waiting in line. (all repeat 3 times). 14.Aieuoia aeeiiia oaia?u Ia i?aiu oieiaii, Ii?aeoenoa,ia?aaa?ie aai, Iia-na?ue eoiiue naao, Nii?ai ee iu oaia?u ioe?uou naie eeoa? ? ia a no?i?, Iia ia noa?aao, Yoi ea?aony oaeei i?inoui, Nii?ai ee iu oaia?u ioe?uou naie eeoa? Aaneiia?iue iiauai, ? neai? ?oi y neuoo? ? iacuaa? yoi ei?u?, I?ieciiny aneoo eaeo?-ieaoau o?aco, Iaiiaaiii ?anoo. ? ineai, I?eaay naiae i?a?aae. (ana iiaoi?yaony 2 ?aca). 15.Aneurysm Come on over, Do the twist,aha. Overdo it, Have a fit,aha. Love you su much, Makes me sek,aha. Come on over, Do the twist,aha. Beat me out of me.(Beat me,beat up.)(x7) Beat me out of me. Come on over, Do the twist,aha. Overdo it, Have a fit,aha. Love you su much, Makes me sek,aha. Come on over, Shoot the shit,aha. Beat me out of me.(Beat me,beat up.)(x7) Beat me out of me. She gives the perfect strain to my heart.(x8) 15.Aiaa?ecia Aaaae n?aa, Noaiooai oaeno,aaa, Ai oiaao, Ai noai?ia,aaa, ? oaay oae e?ae?, ?oi iaiy oioieo,aaa, Aaaae n?aa, Noaiooai oaeno,aaa, Auaae ec iaiy.(Auaae,auaae)(o7) Auaae ec iaiy. Aaaae n?aa, Noaiooai oaeno,aaa, Ai oiaao, Ai noai?ia,aaa, ? oaay oae e?ae?, ?oi iaiy oioieo,aaa, Aaaae n?aa, Iiano?aeei yoi aa?uii,aaa. Auaae ec iaiy.(Auaae,auaae)(o7) Auaae ec iaiy. Iia aaao ioee?io? iaa?oceo iiaio na?aoo (o8). Songs from MTV unplugged in New York (p)94 1.About a girl (from LP Bleach) 2.Come as you are (from LP Nevermind) 3.Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam (Eugenne Kelly / Fransec Mckean) Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam. Sunbeams are never made like me. Don't expect me to cry For wrong reasons,you have to die. Don't ever ask it out to me. Chorus: Don't expect me to cry. Don't expect me to lie. Don't expect me to die for me. Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam. Sunbeams are never made like me. Don't expect me to cry For all reasons,you have to die. Don't ever ask love to me. Chorus(x2). Verse 1. Chorus. Don't expect me to cry. Don't expect me to lie. Don't expect me to die. Don't expect me to cry. Don't expect me to lie. Don't expect me to die for me. 3.Eenon ia oi?ao i?aa?aoeou iaiy a nieia?iue eo? (?a?ei Eaeee / O?ainan Iaeeei) Eenon ia oi?ao i?aa?aoeou iaiy a nieia?iue eo?, Ieeiaaa nieia?iua eo?e ia aoaoo aaeaou ec oaeeo eae y . Ia ?ae ?oi y ?ac?aaonu, Ii ioeaea,ou aie?ai oia?eou. Ia iuoaeny aiaeouny io iaiy ioaaoa. I?eiaa: Ia ?ae ?oi y caiea?o, Ia ?ae ?oi y nieao, Ia ?ae ?oi y oi?o ai eiy naay naiiai. Eenon ia oi?ao i?aa?aoeou iaiy a nieia?iue eo?, Ieeiaaa nieia?iua eo?e ia aoaoo aaeaou ec oaeeo eae y . Ia ?ae ?oi y ?ac?aaonu, Eci anaai ia naaoa ou aie?ai oia?aou, E ia aoiae aui?aoeaaou o iaiy nai? e?aiau. I?eiaa (o2). Eoieao 1 . I?eiaa. Ia ?ae ?oi y caiea?o, Ia ?ae ?oi y nieao, Ia ?ae ?oi y oi?o. Ia ?ae ?oi y caiea?o, Ia ?ae ?oi y nieao, Ia ?ae ?oi y oi?o ai eiy naay naiiai. 4. The man who sold the wold (David Bowie) We passed upon the stair,we spoke in wallse and web, Althrow I was'n there,he said I was his friend, Which came as a surprisa.I spoke into his eyes. I throght you died along,A long,long time ago. Oh,no,not me, We never lost control. The face to fase Of a man who sold the wold. I laughed abd shook his hand,and made my way back home, I searched afar the land,for years and years I roamed. I gazed a gazy stare.We walked a million hills. I must have died along,A long,long time ago. Who knows?Not me. I never lost control. The face to fase Of a man who sold the wold. Who knows?Not me. We never lost control. The face to fase Of a man who sold the wold. 4.?aeiaae,eioi?ue i?iaae ie? (Ayaea Aioe) Iu iiaieiaeenu aaa?o ii eanoieoa,iu aiai?eee a i?ioiaao ia?ao noaiaie e iaooeiie, E oioy iaiy oai a auei,ii ooaa??aae ?oi y -aai a?oa, Eioi?ue yaeeny ia?aaiii-iaaaaaiii.? auneacae aio ana,aeyay a aeaca, ? aoiae,?oi ou oia? aaaiui-aaaii,aaaiui-aaaii, I iao,oieuei ia y , Iu ieeiaaa ia oa?yee eiio?ieu. Eeoii e eeoo N ?aeiaaeii eioi?ue i?iaae ie?. ? caniayeny e ii?ae aio ?oeo e ioi?aaeeny aiiie, Aaeaei-aaeaei y eneae naie aa?aa,neeoaeny e no?ainoaiaae aieaea aiau, ? aieaaeny ai ana i?enoaeuiui acaeyaii.Iu i?ioee ii ieeeeiiai oieiia, ? aie?ai aue oia?aou aaaiui-aaaii,aaaiui-aaaii. Eoi ciaao?Oieuei ia y , ? ieeiaaa ia oa?ye eiio?iey, E aio ou eeoii e eeoo N ?aeiaaeii eioi?ue i?iaae ie?. Eoi ciaao?Oieuei ia y , Iu ieeiaaa ia oa?yee eiio?iey, E aio ou eeoii e eeoo N ?aeiaaeii eioi?ue i?iaae ie?. 5.Pennyriyal tea (from LP In utero) 6.Dumb (from LP In utero) 7.(New wave)Polly (from LP nevermind) 8.On a plain (from LP nevermind) 9.Something on the way (from LP nevermind) 10.Plateau (Curt Kirkwood) Many a hand has scaled the grand old fase of the plateau. Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know. Holy dhost and talk show hosts are planted in the sand To beutify the foodhills,shake the many hangs. Chorus: Nothing on the top but a busket and a mop And an illustrated books about birds. You see a lot up there but don't be scared. Who needs action when you got words? When you've finished with the mop when you can stop And look at that you've done. The plateus clearn,no dift to be sean, And the work ,it was fun. Chorus. Many a hands begun to scan around for the next plateau. Some say it was Greenland and some say Mexico. Others desided it was nohere exept for where they stood. Those there all just guesses wouldn't help you if they could. 10.Ieaoi (Eo?o Ee?eaoa) Iiiai ?oe neiaeeee iiaa?oiinou aaeeeiai noa?iai ieaoi. Iaeioi?ua auee ?oeaie e?aae iaciaeiiuo,iaeioi?ua- oaieo i?eyoaeae ciaeiioaa. I?ec?aee nayouo e ainoe oie-oio iina?aiu a ianie, ?oiau iaeaai?iaeou iiaii?ua oieiia,ii?ie iii?anoai ?oe. I?eiaa: Ia aa?oeia ie?aai-eeou aaa?i e oaaa?a, Aa eie?ea i?i ioeo n ea?oeieaie, Ou oaeaeou oo?e ioeo,ii ia ioaaeny, Eiio io?iu eaeea-oi aaenoaey,anee ou iaoae io?iua neiaa? Eiaaa caeii?eoa aeiceou oaaa?ie,ii?aou ia?aaioooou, E iie?aiaaouny ia nai? ?aaioo, Ieaoi ?enoi,ia iaiiai iyoiuoea ia aeaaou, A ?aaioaou auei-iaii oaiaieunoaea. I?eiaa. Iiiai ?oe ia?eia?o i?iuoiuaaou neaao?uaa ieaoi, Eoi-oi aiai?eo yoi auei A?aieaiaeae,eoi-oi-Iaeneeie, A?oaea ?aoeee,?oi oaeiai ianoa iao aiiaua, a anou eeou oa caiee,aaa i?i?eaaee iie naie, Ii yoi-anaai eeou aino?ea aiiuneu,aiaaaee, eioi?ua ie?ai oaaa ia iiiiaoo. 11. Oh,me (Curt Kirkwood) If I had to lose a mile, If I had to tauche feelin, I woud lose my soul The way i do. I don't have to think, I only have to do it, The resuls are always perfect, But that's old news. Would you like to hear my voise? Spinkled with emotion? I can see the end of me, My hole expands, I cannot see. Formylate affinity Stored deep inside me. (all repeat 2 times) Formylate affinity Stored deep inside me. 11.I,iia (Eo?o Ee?eaoa) Anee au y aie?ai aue ionoaou ia oaeo? iee?, Anee au y aie?ai aue cao?iioou ?oanoaa, ? iioa?ye au nai? aooo, Ec-ca oiai,eae y yoi aaea?. ? ia aie?ai aoiaou, ? i?inoi aie?ai naaeaou yoi. ?acoeuoaou anaaaa i?aauoa anyeeo iioaae, II iie-ec ?ac?yaa onoa?aaoeo iiainoae. Ia oi?aou ee oneuoaou iie aiein, ia?aiieiaiiue yiioeyie? Yoi ecia?aoaii aua i?e oaiai ?i?aaiee, ? iiao oaeaao nai? nia?ou. Iie eaiae aey iiaa?e aicaooa ?anoe?yaony, Nai y ie?aai ia ae?o. Ninoaau oi?ioeo aea?aiey, O?aiyuaainy a iioaaiiuo iieo aeoaeiao. (ana iiaoi?yaony 2 ?aca) Ninoaau oi?ioeo aea?aiey, O?aiyuaainy a iioaaiiuo iieo aeoaeiao. 12.Lake of fire (Curt Kirkwood) Where do bad folks do when their die? They don't do to heaven where the angels fly. Go to the lake offire and fry, See em again til the forth of july. I knew a lady come from dulith, Bit by a dog with a rabit tooth. She ran to a grave just a little too soon, Flew and laid down on the yellow moon. Verse 1. People cry,people moon, Look for a dry place to call their home. Try to find some place to rest their bones, While the angels and the devils try to make their own. Verse 1. 12.Iaiaiiia ica?i (Eo?o Ee?eaoa) Eoaa ioi?aaey?ony ieioea ia?ie iinea nia?oe? Iie ia iiiaaa?o ia iaaana,aaa ia?yo aiaaeu, Iie iiiaaa?o a iaiaiiia ica?i e iia?a?eaa?ony oai, E iu oaeaei eo aiiau oieuei 4 e?ey. Ciaaae y iaio aaio ec ai?iaa Aoeoo, aa iieonae aaoaiue ian. Iia nua?aea a yuee ii?aeoe neeoeii auno?i, Aceaoaea aa e niaa?oeea iinaaeo ia ?aeoie eoia. Eoieao 1. E?ae iea?oo,e?ae ioaia?o, Euoo ianoi iinoua,?oiau iacaaou aai naiei aiiii, Iuoa?ony iouneaou ianoa?ei,aaa aoaoo iieieony eo einoi?ee, Iiea aiaaeu e auyaieu iuoa?ony iaaaeuaaou naie aaeeoee. Eoieao 1. 13. All apologies (from LP In utero) 13.Iaie nieioiua ecaeiaiey (ec aeuaiia A oo?iaa) 14. Where did you sleep last night (Huddie Ledbetter) My girl,my girl,don't lie to me. Tell me, where did you sleep last night? In the pines,in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine, I would shiver the whole night through. My girl,my girl,where will you go? I'm going there the cold wind blows. In the pines,in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine, I would shiver the whole night through. Her husband was a hard worken man, Just about a mile from here. His head was found in the driving wheel, But his body never was found. Verse 1 .(Shiver for me). Verse 2 . Verse 1. My girl,my girl,where will you go? I'm going there the cold wind blows. In the pines,in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine, I would shiver the whole night through. 14.Aaa ou i?iaaea yoo ii?u?(Oaaae Eaaaaooa?) Aaai?ea,iiy aaai?ea,ia eae iia, Nea?e,aaa ou i?iaaea yoo ii?u?N?aae ninai,niaae ninai, Aaa aa?a nieioa ia aeaaou, ? aoao a?i?aou an? ii?u iai?ieao. Aaai?ea,iiy aaai?ea,eoaa ou eaauu? Eao y ooaa,aaa aaoa? nooaaiue aoao, N?aae ninai,niaae ninai, Aaa aa?a nieioa ia aeaaou, ? aoao a?i?aou an? ii?u iai?ieao. Aa io? aue ?aai?ei -o?oayaie, Aeaeuaae ca iee? ion?aa, Aieiaooeo aai iaoee iia eieanii, A aio oaea oae e ia iaoee.Ieeiaaa. Eoieao 1.(Iia?i?e ca iaiy). Eoieao 2. Eoieao 1. Aaai?ea,iiy aaai?ea,eoaa ou eaauu? Eao y ooaa,aaa aaoa? nooaaiue aoao, N?aae ninai,niaae ninai, Aaa aa?a nieioa ia aeaaou, ? aoao a?i?aou an? ii?u iai?ieao. Songs srom the singles 1.D7 (by the WIPERS) Straight as an arrow Defect,defect. Not straight,not so straight. Reject,reject Towards anti-social. Solo,solo, Standing on the stairs. Gold,gold morning, Ghostly image of fear. Mayday,mayday, Gonna leave this region They'll like me with whem. Demented seven. 1.A7 (a?oiia the WIPERS) I?yiie eae no?aea, Ecuyi,aaoaeo. Ia i?yiie,nianai ia i?yiie, Ioaa?aioou,caa?aeiaaou. Ioianoe a ?aciya aioe-iauanoaaiiiai, Iaei,iaei-iaeioaiae, Noiyuee ia nooiaiyo eanoieou, Oieiaiia,oieiaiia oo?i, I?ec?a?iue ia?ac no?aoa, SOS!SOS! Naiia a?aiy iieeioou yoe ianoa, Iie aicuioo iaiy n niaie. Noianoaaoay naia?ea. 2.Oh,the guilt She seems to think, She seems to weak, She takes a week to get over it. She likes the sea, She likes to see, She likes to think she has all of it. She likes the sound, She likes the sand, She likes the stand,she can't affort to sit. She likes to be (x3), She likes to go. She likes the time, She own the time, She buys time and wraps herself in it. 2.I,yoi aeia Ea?aony,iia caaoiaeanu, Iia auaeyaeo neeoeii neaaie, Oaeay iaaaey iio?aaoaony ae,?oiau i?eeoe a naay, Ae i?aaeouny ii?a, Ae i?aaeouny niio?aou, Ae i?aaeouny aoiaou,?oi ana yoi i?eiaaea?eo ae. Ae i?aaeouny cao?aiea, Ae i?aaeouny ianie, Ae i?aaeouny noiyou,ii iia ia ii?ao iicaieeou naaa nanou. Ae i?aaeouny auou (o3). Ae i?aaeouny eaoe. Ae i?aaeouny a?aiy, Iia aeaaaao a?aiaiai eae naiae nianoaaiiinou?, Iia iieoiaao a?aiy e caai?a?eaaio a iaai naia oaei. 3.Even in his youth Even in his youth, Even in his youth, Even in his youth he was nothing. Kept his body clearn, Kept his body clearn, Kept his body clearn going nothere. Daddy was ashamed, Daddy was ashamed, Daddy was ashamed he was nothing. Smears the family name, Smears the family name, Smears the family name he was something. He was born for your crew. I've got nothing left to provve. If I die before I wake Hope I don't come back a slave. (Reapeat all) He was born for your crew. I've got nothing left to provve. If I die before I wake Hope I don't come back a slave. Even in his youth, Even in his youth,yeah,yeah....... 3.Aa?a a ii?o naiae ?iinoe Aa?a a ii?o naiae ?iinoe, Aa?a a ii?o naiae ?iinoe, Aa?a a ii?o naiae ?iinoe ii aue ie?ai. Aa??ae naia oaei a ?enoioa, Aa??ae naia oaei a ?enoioa, Aa??ae naia oaei a ?enoioa,ieeoaa ia auoiaee. Iaiaoa nouaeeny aai, Iaiaoa nouaeeny aai, Iaiaoa nouaeeny aai,?oi nui aue ie?ai. Caiyoiae ?anou naiue, Caiyoiae ?anou naiue, Caiyoiae ?anou naiue,e aio noae ?ai-oi. Ii aue i?inoi ?i?aai aey aaoae eiiiaiee, Iia ia?aai aieuoa aieacuaaou. Anee y oi?o i?a?aa,?ai i?inionu, Iaaa?nu,?oi ?aaii a yoio ie? ia aa?ionu. (ana iiaoi?yaony) Ii aue i?inoi ?i?aai aey aaoae eiiiaiee, Iia ia?aai aieuoa aieacuaaou. Anee y oi?o i?a?aa,?ai i?inionu, Iaaa?nu,?oi ?aaii a yoio ie? ia aa?ionu. Aa?a a ii?o aoi ?iinoe, Aa?a a ii?o aoi ?iinoe,aa,aa..... 4.Marygold He's there ih case I wanderred offf. He's scared besouse I warned. He's scared in case I want it all. He's scared cause I want. All in the clock is slow. Six color pictures all in a row Of a marygold. Verse 1&2.(x2). 4.Oaaoee-iiaioee (Ayaea A?ie) Ii iea?aony caanu,anee y ia?io neeuii a?aaeou, Ii ia?eiaao iaieeiaaou,iioiio ?oi y aai i?aaoi?a?aae, Ii ia?eiaao iaieeiaaou,anee y caoi?o ana n?aco, O iaai na?aoa ooiaeo a iyoee io oiai,?oi y i?inoi oi?o. Aacaa e ai anai ?anu ionoa?o, Ana oanou oaaoiuo ea?oeiie auno?ieeenu a ?ya O oaaoeia-iiaioeia. Eoieao 1 e 2 (o2).. 5.Gurmudgeon I can't hide,no On the mantle I'm not said Tilling that hoe It's the season I'm all reason I have seen All I have grown Chorus: Sheares at the seams Cheat on me (x4) And not seen (x2) Cheat on me At the seams I'm a lender I'm a planter I put something In the garden In the handle On the mantle I'm not Santa I'm a god Chorus. I want a lady Can you save me? It's the sulfur I have grown 'Tis the season I'm all reason I have fleas So run on home 5.Ne?yaa (Ai??oi) Iia ia ni?yoaouny,iao, Ia nia?iii iie?iaa, ? ia a?ouo, Eiau?y? caie? iiouaie. Yoi-a?aiy o?i?ay, Ai iia naiii-e ne?uoa i?e?eia, ? oaeaae Ana,?oi au?anoee. I?eiaa: Neioaiiua ii e?ayi, Iie iaiaiuaa?o-iaaoaa?o iaiy (o4), Eo ia aeaaou (o2), Neioaiiua ii e?ayi, Iie iaiaiuaa?o-iaaoaa?o iaiy, Ii aieai. ?-?inoiauee, ?-naaiaia, ? eia-?oi na?a? o naay A naao. Caiyoue aaeii, ia i?inoi?a, ? ia Naioa Eeaon, ?-Aia. I?eiaa. Iia io?ia ?aiueia,ianoiyuay eaae, A ou-ia nianaou ee iaiy? Eiaiii na?o, ? au?anoee. Yoi-a?aiy o?i?ay, Ai iia naiii e ne?uoa i?e?eia, O iaiy caaaeenu aeioe-aioee, Aaaae,aa?ei nei?ae aiiie. 6.Moist vagina Aaaaaaaahhhh She got a moist vagina, I've be taking to long and come first I was sucking first Far away,far away, I've been further Than the others. No wonder (x3). She got a moist vagina, I've been further away. Than the others. No wonder (x3). Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.....!!!!!! 6.Aea?iia aeaaaeeua Aaaaaa......... O iaa aea?iia aeaaaeeua. ? aieai e?aieeny,ii eii?ee ia?aui. Iaiy aia?aua aninaei oae aaeaei,oae aaeaei. ? caoae aaeuoa, ?ai ana inoaeuiua. Ie?aai oaeaeoaeuiiai (o3). O iaa aea?iia aeaaaeeua. ? caoae aaeuoa, ?ai ana inoaeuiua. Ie?aai oaeaeoaeuiiai (o3). Aaaaaaaa........ 7.Verse chorus verse And if you've saved youself, You will make em happy. If you feel well,enjoy! And you make you happy. They kill you breeding worlds, They'll make you happy. They'll cover you with dust, If you make you happy now. You're ain't nothing wrong, You're ain't nothing wrong, It really came to you. And if you cut youself, They'll make you happy And keep you well,enjoy. That's now you make em happy. They'll cover you with dust, If you make you happy now. You're ain't nothing wrong, You're ain't nothing wrong, It really came to you. You're ain't nothing wrong, You're ain't nothing wrong, It really came to you. And if you've fool youself, You will make em happy. If you feel well,enjoy! And you make you happy. They kill you breeding horse, And you make you happy, You wanna get a shed, And you make you happy now. You're ain't nothing wrong, You're ain't nothing wrong, It really came to you. 7.Eoieao i?eiaa eoieao Anee au ou nian naay, Oi ainoaaee au ei ?aainou, Anee ou a ii?yaea-ianea?aaeny! E ou in?anoeeaeou naay. oie?oi?a?ony oaie ?aciii?a?ueany ie?u, ?oiau in?anoeeaeou oaay. Oaay niaoa?o n a?ycu?, Anee ou in?anoeeaeou naay nae?an ?a, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, Iaeiiao-oi yoi aioei ai oaay. E anee ou ca?a?aou naay, E ou in?anoeeaeou naay. Anee ou a ii?yaea-ianea?aaeny Aio eae ou ii?aou in?anoeeaeou eo, Oaae nai? ieaiaiio? eioaaeo, ?oiau ainoaaeou ei ?aainou, Anee ou in?anoeeaeou naay nae?an ?a, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, Iaeiiao-oi yoi aioei ai oaay. A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, Iaeiiao-oi yoi aioei ai oaay. E anee ou iao?a?eou nai naay, Oi yoei ainoaaeou ei ?aainou, Anee ou a ii?yaea-ianea?aaeny, E ou in?anoeeaeou naay, Oaae nai? ieaiaiio? eioaaeo, ?oiau ainoaaeou ei ?aainou, Ou oi?aou iaeoe naaa oaa?eua Anee ou in?anoeeaeou naay nae?an ?a, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, A yoii iao ie?aai ao?iiai, Iaeiiao-oi yoi aioei ai oaay. 8.Happy hour I can live, I can lie, I can bleed, Who will find. There's my greed, Christian fold. Yesit's me On my knees,ooh.... Write some words, Make them right Faces so Turn in line. Set whem mood, Songs they knew. is it me Or my answer,ooh...... If you want, To be wrong- Find and end The extremes, The extremes, Happy hour- Right it seems Perfect thee, Brotherly Long to me, Long to me, Long to me,ooh... I wiil wait In the faith To the strangerst saint. I will try To realize it. With your faith Or without it. You mast. I'll take to danse. My bro,ooh........ Verse 1.2.3 8.N?anoeeaue ?an ? iiao ?eou, ? iiao eaaou, ? iiao enoaeaou e?iau?, Eoi ana yoi ?aoaao? Aio iiy ?aaiinou, O?enoeaineay ianoaa. Aa,yoi y Noi? ia eieaiyo,i-i-i..... Ia?a?oae neiaa. Aei?e a ieo i?aaeeuiue niune,Eeoa aeyaaee ai ana aeaca, Auno?ieaoenu a ?ya. Ciaeiiua ei ianie, ? ee yoi nai Eee yoi iie ioaao?I-i-i..... Oi?aou- Aoau ieioei, Iouue e caeiioa?u a?oa n a?oaii E?aeiinoe Iie?na, N?anoeeaia a?aia?ei- Auaeyaeo eae iaai. Ainoeaoay niaa?oainoaa O?ieoa, Ii-?ianoaaiiiio No?aieony ei iia, Aiiiaaaony iaiy,i-i-i.... ? aoao ?aaou, I?aauaay a aa?a naiae E naiiio no?aiiiio nayoiio, ? iiiuoa?nu Iiiyou ana yoi Eeai n aaoae aa?ie, Eeai aac iaa. Ou aie?ai. ? oaeaea? naiei oaioai , Iiaai a?aoa,i-i-i.... Eoieao 1,2,3. 9.Here she comes now (by THE VELVET UNDEGROUND) Now,if she ever comes now,now If she ever comes now,now,(x4) Now,if she ever comes now,now If she ever comes now,now,(x2) Ooooooh,and it looks so good Ooooh,but she made out of wood Just look and see Verse 1. Ooooooh,and it looks so good Ooooh,but she made out of wood As you can see Ooooh,but she made out of wood As you can see now If she ever comes If she ever comes now,now..... 9.Nae?an iia i?eaao (by THE VELVET UNDEGROUND) Nae?an,anee iia aiiaua i?eaao nae?an,nae?an, Anee iia aiiaua i?eaao nae?an,nae?an,(o4) Nae?an,anee iia aiiaua i?eaao nae?ae,nae?an, Anee iia aiiaua i?eaao nae?an,nae?an,(o2) I-i-i,ni noi?iiu yoi niio?eony i?aiu cai?iai, I-i-i,ii iia naaeaia ec aa?aayoee, Ainoaoi?ii acaeyioou,?oiau oaeaaou. Eoieao 1. I-i-i,ni noi?iiu yoi niio?eony i?aiu cai?iai, I-i-i,ii iia naaeaia ec aa?aayoee, E ou nai nii?aou a oii oaaaeouny. I-i-i,yoi naaeaii ec aa?aayoee, E ii?aou nae?an a yoii oaaaeouny. Anee iia aiiaua i?eaao, Anee iia aiiaua i?eaao nae?an,nae?an..... 10.Do you love me (by KISS) You really like my limousine, You like the way the wheels roll. You like my seven inch leaver heels And goin 'to all of the shows Chorus: But do you love me,do you love me? Do you love me,really love me? You like my credit cards and private planes, Money can reaaly take you far. You like the hotels and fancu clothes And the sound of electric guitars. You really like rock and roll All of the fame and masquerade. You like the concerts and studios, And all the mney honey that I made. Your backstade pass and black sunglasses Make you look just like a queen. Even the fans they knuw your fase From all the magazines. Chorus. 10.Ou aaenoaeoaeuii e?aeou iaiy?(KISS) Oaaa aaenoaeoaeuii i?aaeony iie eeiocei, Oaaa i?aaeony,eae e?ooyony eieana, Oaaa i?aayony iie ei?aiua oooee ia 15-oe naioeiao?iauo eaaeoeao, E oaaa i?aaeony oiaeou ia ana iaoe eiioa?ou. I?eiaa: Ii ou aaenoaeoaeuii e?aeou iaiy, aaenoaeoaeuii e?aeou iaiy? E?aeou ee ou iaiy,e?aeou ii-ianoiyuaio? Oaaa i?aaeony iieuciaaouny e?aaeoeaie e ?anoiuie naiieaoaie, E?aiau e aaiuaai ii?ao caaanoe oaay aaeaei. Oaaa i?aayony ioaee e i?eeieuiua iiaiua i?eeeau, E i?aaeony caoe yeaeo?iaeoa?. Oaaa aaenoaeoaeuii i?aaeony ?ie-i -?iee, Iaoieaiaaiiue io iaeooee ai iyo neaaie e ianea?aaii. Oaaa i?aayony eiioa?ou e nooaee E ana yoe neaaeea-neaaiua aaia?ee,eioi?ua y aiauaa?. Oi,eae ou oeaie?oaou ca eoeenaie, e oaie ?a?iua i?ee io nieioa Aaea?o oaay iioi?ae ia ei?ieaao. Aa?a oyiu e oa ocia?o oaay a eeoi- Iii naaoeony ia iaei?eao anao ?o?iaeia. I?eiaa. |
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